Many people have blogs but for a lot of them, it is for fun. How to make money off your blog is within reach of everyone, so here are some ideas on just how to make money on your blog.
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your blog once you start getting regular traffic.
If you are not sure what affiliate marketing is, click here to read more.
You can also use Adsense or similar advertising programs. These types of programs place ads on your blog that are related to your content, and when they get viewed you get a small commission.
But in the end, it is all about the traffic. The more you get, the more you get paid once your blog is monetized.
Below are more ideas on how to get your blog noticed and ultimately how to make money on your blog.
If you don’t have a blog or website and would like an easy way to start one for yourself, click here.
Ideas On How To Make Money Off Your Blog
- Never and I repeat, never ever do a blog post without doing keyword research. If you don’t do your keyword research, how will you ever get found, unless you have made a lucky guess? If you are looking for a fast and accurate way to do keyword research, you can read more here.
- Design your blog around a targeted niche subject and build your blog around that subject, until your blog looks like a targeted resource center for that particular subject. In this way, you will gain repeat visitors who are interested in your subject matter.
- Make sure that your content matches your heading for that particular post. If a question is asked in the heading, make sure that it is answered.
- Offer your visitors something for free. This is a great way to build trust amongst your visitors, as well as build your list.
- Add a chat room or message board to your blog. People love to interact with other people who have the same interests.
- Make sure that your site layout suits all browsers to increase the amount of time that people spend on your website.
- When you write your ad copy, ask people questions that make them think about their problems. For example: Do you want to be free of your debts?
- In order to get more eyeballs on your blog, make sure to post your articles to social media sites. You should do this each and every time you do a new article or post on your blog.
- Make sure all your content is original, as the search engines will penalize you for duplicate content.
- Make sure there is lots of helpful advice and content on your blog, and it is not just promotion after promotion. If you don’t like being sold to, then you can imagine how your visitors feel.
- Use short paragraphs in easy to understand language, so that your readers stay on your blog longer.
- Magnify the size of your prospect’s problem in your ad copy; show how your product can solve their problems. The bigger the problem, the more sales you’ll have in the end.
- Invest a percentage of your profits back into your business. There are lots of ways to do this including advertising, marketing, website improvement, or product improvement.
- Research or try for yourself all the products that you recommend. If you only recommend great products, you will encourage more people to buy from you.
- Use relevant pictures on your blog as it makes your article more visually appealing.
- Keep adding content to your blog so that it grows. As it grows like a flower, it will blossom. The bigger it gets, the more the search engines will notice and the more organic traffic you will get over time.
- Make sure that your blog loads up in one second or less, as a slow to load site will cause you to lose visitors.
- Make sure that each blog post is SEO optimized. You can use a plugin like Yoast, that has a checklist that you can check against for each blog post.
- Use adverts sparingly. Adsense can make you some extra money, but don’t let your blog become cluttered with adverts, or it will put your readers off.
- Grab some great training here for free. You need some expert advice if you are just starting out, and this is the place to get it.
- Work on your content, and once you have lots of traffic, then you can work on selling to your traffic.
- Tell your readers what to do. If you want them to click on a link tell them. You should always do this as many visitors leave when they are not directed on what to do next. For instance: If you would like to learn how to build a list, click here to find out how easily you can get going.
Trust the above tips will help you to figure out how to make money on your blog.
Please feel free to comment below if you would like to add anything else or have any other ideas on how to make money on your blog..

Thanks for these tips on improving my chances with my blog – I’m quite new to all this so I had no real idea on which way to go. The duplicate content scares me a bit – I had no idea that this was such a big thing – must improve my writing and get down to supplying good original work
Yes, I learnt my lesson the hard way with duplicate content. This site is only starting to recover now.
I can see there are loads of ways to make money from a blog and I understand why there are so many bloggers now. 🙂
I really appreciate the ideas and tips. Personally, I think investing some of our profits into our biz would be a very smart decision because it would boost our success for sure and make more money, more quickly.
Your money making blog ideas will surely help.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment Neil. Good plan.