If you are doing any sort of content marketing online, then keyword research is an essential part of it. If you want to find out how to do keyword research for content marketing in the easiest way possible, then keep reading.
How To Do Keyword Research For Content Marketing And Why We Need To Do It.
How to do keyword research for content marketing and making a profit online is what most businesses strive to perfect.
The process is, unfortunately, ongoing and never-ending. The rule generally is, never to add content to your website without doing your keyword research first.
Large and small, businesses compete against each other with their respective products and services, but also for the keywords used to attract customers to their sites.
Using keywords in your content marketing is essential, as people search for these keywords in the search engines, and hopefully, your keyword for your blog post or article will pop up before you at the top of the search engines.
It’s the competition for keywords that put a company’s site at the top of the all-important search engine list. Anyone planning on opening a business, whether online or as a brick-and-mortar, needs to develop this skill set to successfully compete for “clicks” using keywords to attract customers. Another word for this is organic marketing. Once you set it up it is free marketing for your website without you having to pay to get visitors to your site.
To learn the required skill set and use it effectively, the Internet is the first place to consider. There are a few free, popular sites that enable business owners to obtain keywords about their business. They are Wordstream, Keyword Tool IO, Ubersuggest, and SEO Book Keyword Tool.
These sites help the business owner to discover what keywords are important for their business niche while enabling the user to measure the result of their word choices.
I usually use Jaaxy for all my keyword research for content marketing, as this is the easiest and quickest way to do keyword research. If you want to read more about Jaaxy, click here. If you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate, then the Jaaxy tool is included.
When doing your keyword research for content marketing, you need to keep these three things in mind:
- You need to find ideas for keywords, and long-tail keywords are always easier to rank for. Long-tail keywords are any keywords that are more than three words in length.
- You then need to find out how much competition there is online for your chosen keywords. If there are too many other sites also ranking for that keyword, then it is best to try and find something a little less competitive. Jaaxy will show you a green button if your keyword is worth going after.
- Most important of all you need to find out if anyone is searching for the keyword you have picked. If nobody is searching for it, then nobody will visit your site. On Jaaxy, this information will be available in the first column.
How To Spot The Competition On Google
On Google, a popular method to see what keywords other competitors in your business niche employ, is simply typing inverted commas around the selected keyword. Using this tool enables business owners to find out which other businesses are trying to rank for the same keyword.
Finding out who and what keyword they use to put their business at the top of the search engine list gives the business an advantage. It’s always nice to know what your competition is doing.
How To Use The Alphabet Soup Method On Google
The alphabet soup method is a technique also employed by using the Google Search Engine. By typing in a keyword followed by a single letter of the alphabet, Google Search fills in the rest with a list of suggestions. Viewing the list, the business owner can tailor their keyword or phrase so that it appears high on the list in Google Search.
Doing it for each letter of the alphabet assures a better chance at success and profit.
Using Long Tail Keywords
Using phrases as keywords that have three to four words or more is also an effective means of making it high up on the search lists. If employed correctly, this strategy proves very successful for online business owners.
Understanding that narrowing the search eliminates other businesses from having the same keyword(s).
This is the operational strategy behind what marketers refer to as long-tail keywords. Instead of using general terms to describe a product or service, words that narrowly define what a business owner wishes to sell prove most effective.
Sites like Jaaxy, though they are a paid subscription service, give current keywords for a business niche, allowing the business owner to tailor their keywords and not waste time on words and phrases that have lost their impact.
Making it to the top of the search engine list is what online marketing on the Internet is all about. Techniques and strategies to make it high on the list are essential, requiring anyone wanting to open a business online to learn and master.
The strategy is not one that allows an owner to sit back and relax but demands constant attention. That attention extends beyond obtaining a cursory knowledge of online marketing. Constant and evolving changes in strategy and techniques demand daily attention.
To stay above the rest and earn the biggest bang every marketer has to master how to do keyword research for content marketing, in order to get as much organic traffic visiting your website as possible.
If you would like to try Jaaxy out for free, simply type your keywords of choice in the box below. Jaaxy just makes it so easy when learning how to do keyword research for content marketing.

Hello Michel from sunny SA.
A very good article on Keywords and Keyword research.
Having been in the Internet Marketing game longer than you I know the importance of keyword research.
Your home business is going nowhere without it and as you say its an ongoing part of marketing online.
Having access to the right tools for research is of course a ‘Must Have’ and I personally use quite a few.
Never tried Jaaxy though.
I tend to stick to tools that have stood me in good stead in the past and continue to do so now.
I wish you much success.
Robert Allan
Thanks for your feedback Robert.
Hi there,
Thanks for your informative explanation on how to do keyword research.
When you say to use inverted commas in order to find the competition do you mean literally just put “…” then search?
It’s just because when I have tried that google keeps saying no results found however there are results without quote marks?
I thought that’s strange when I read your comment, and I tried now and it does work. “parrots as pets” gets me 59 000 results where as parrots as pets without the inverted commas gives me 3 250 000 results which is a huge difference. Maybe you left a space between the inverted commas and the word.
Thank you for a very informatve article about keywords. It’s intriguing to me how keywords work and how important they are to a website. However, you have helped to demystify this topic for me so thank you. In the end there is no getting away from the fact that keywords play a key role in the success to driving traffic to your website.
You are right Rina. Rule of thumb is never to do any content marketing without doing your keyword research first.