So how to earn money with Affiliate Marketing is the question here.
One may think it is easy to earn money with affiliate marketing, but this is not necessarily the case. In order to be successful with Affiliate Marketing, there are certain things that you need to have in place first.
Most successful marketers have huge lists that they email to on a regular basis and thus sell many products in this way. Unfortunately, when you start off, you will not have a huge list and will either have to build a list, which takes absolutely ages or create other ways of earning your commissions.
So now what, you may ask? All is not lost, as there are easier ways to do this Affiliate Marketing thing.
How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing (Easiest Way)
The best way, by far, is to build yourself a website. I know that this sounds like a lot of work, but believe me, it is the only way to long term success. It is also the best way to build a sustainable business that you can use as an income source for years to come.
By having your own website, you can not only make sales, but you can also begin the process of building your own list to market to.
And believe it or not, building a website can be loads of fun, providing that you are building it around something that you love.
The idea is to have a fantastic website that has visitors swarming in and out and buying loads of stuff from you.
Your website needs to be like a shop that you own in a busy mall, with people regularly stopping to take a look and sometimes even purchasing something.
This is all very well, but first, you need to build this website and learn how to generate traffic to it in order to make sales.
So how do I do this?
So if you don’t have the technical knowledge to build a website, you can do one of two things.
- Hire a professional to do it for you – at a steep price of course.
- Learn how to do it yourself, but this could take ages, as there are loads of technical issues to overcome.
- Join up with a great hosting company that can give you all the training you need and help you to get your website set up for you in less than five minutes.
I think I like the sound of number 3. Oh and by the way, did I mention that you can host your website there for free?
Not only can you host your website there, but you can also get the most comprehensive training available on the internet today in everything affiliate marketing related.
Enough said, to find out how to earn money with affiliate marketing you can click here to read further.
So Do I Really Need A Website To Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing?
It definitely makes life a whole lot easier if you have your own niche website on which to do your affiliate marketing. It is actually all about creating content that can help people to find what they are looking for.
Here is an eight-minute video for you to watch that will make things a whole lot clearer for you on how to earn money with affiliate marketing and why you need a website.
Click on the image then scroll down until you see the video.
Enjoy and please come back and comment to let me know what you thought.
How Long Does It Take?
If you want to know how long it takes to earn money with affiliate marketing, I can tell you that it totally depends on you.
For myself, who does this very part-time it took a few months for me to see a sale, and about a year before the sales started to come in regularly.
The more you put into your website, the more you are going to get out. If you work on your content each and every day and do it all according to the training that you receive, you should be seeing results in three months.
The important thing is to keep generating new content for your site and providing helpful information for your visitors. Google loves sending visitors to relevant content and if your site provides that, over time you will see your traffic increasing.
This obviously takes time, and it is no use getting frustrated, just keep generating content and suddenly one day it happens like magic.
You will also notice that over time your content will improve and it is amazing when you revisit your old posts and see just how far you have come.

My first thought is that I love how you compared owning a website to owning a busy shop in a shopping mall! I have never thought about it in such a way. That really is an excellent point, though.
The video you included is great and very informative. I love that you included this!
Excellent article on how to earn money with affiliate marketing for people on every level. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Thanks for your comment Jess. I like to think of my websites as shops in a mall just waiting to be discovered.
Hi Michel, thanks for this terrific article. I totally agree with you that having your own website is the way to go for making money online. It becomes a business within itself just like any other business. Only this is in the online world.
The video really made sense to me too, it was good to watch.
Great post Michel! Very helpful! Thanks heaps!
Great to hear that somebody enjoyed it. Thanks Jamie.
Very interesting stuff this, very good article. Thank you I have been interested in this for a while now and you have actually explained it better than anyone else I have found online. Does affiliate marketing involve multi level marketing also or is it free from that stuff? Thanks again for a great piece of info here.
You do get some affiliate sites who have MLM platforms, but most are free from this. If they ask for a joining fee, be wary.
Hello there Mergie, nice blog you have. Nice blog you have here.
Building a website is totally a lot of work and it will surely consume time if you don’t have anyone to help you around. You can hire someone yes but it will definitely chop of some ample amount of chunks from your fat wallet. LOL!
The best way really is to go and find a program that can help you with it. Aside from saving money and time, you will also be able to learn so much about making money online.
Yes right on the button there. Without good training, you will never get anywhere.
Really nice post, I can see many people will benefit from this info!
I like the idea of having my own website that I can promote and having help doing that is really an awesome idea.
How long have you been doing this and is it working for you?
I have been doing it for about three years, but only properly for the past six months, and the sales are starting to come in.
Building a website and having a swarm of traffic buying products from me as an affiliate marketer, sounds completely awesome to me. 🙂
It’s really amazing to know I can get my own website set up in a matter of minutes, and a free one too!!!! 😀
I certainly see that owning a site makes sense because I’ve seen so many affiliates making money these days from blogs.
Thanks ever so much for the video.
The sky is the limit they say. Thanks for stopping by Neil.
Exactly as you described!
Affiliate Marketing is tough in the beginning, and it needs a lot of work!
I think the best way is by having your own niche site, building it out with quality content, and get visitors to your site.
While it might sound difficult, the video that you’re linking is kind of attractive, and Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a great place where to learn and start Affiliate Marketing.
Thanks for your great article!
Thanks for the comment Chanan. Yes Affiliate Marketing is a lot of work, but if you find a topic or niche you are passionate about, then it doesn’t seem like work.