Every internet marketer can do with a stash of good Free Online Advertising Sites. Imagine slashing your online advertising bill to Zero. Impossible? Not at all. Nowadays there are literally dozens of websites that offer free online advertising.
Note: Some of these sites do take a little more time than paid advertising and you need to do it a lot more than paid advertising to be effective.
What Is The Best Method Of Free Advertising Online?
Let me tell you a secret of my own. For me it is definitely organic traffic from the search engines. This is the best form of free advertising, as people find you by looking for answers to their questions in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others.
Of course for this method to work for you, you need to get some Search Engine Optimization Training, so that you can get yourself found in cyberspace.
In order to get your website optimized and your SEO skills updated you need to be in constant training. I do my training with Wealthy Affiliate, and if you are reading this article, you probably landed here by doing a search on one of the Search Engines.
Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, and their great up to date training, I get loads of extra free visitors to this site each and every day without having to do any extra advertising.
To find out more about Wealthy Affiliate and what the platform can do for you, click here.
What You Need To Know About Most Free Online Advertising Sites
If you place ads on a lot of these free online advertising sites, you will receive confirmation emails and other relevant information updates. You will have to verify and register at each site that you advertise at, so it is best to use the same password for every registration, or remembering them all could become a nightmare.
The other problem that arises is that you could receive hundreds of confirmation emails each day, so it may be a good thing to set up an extra free business email address before posting your ads. You can do this on either hotmail, webmail, yahoo or gmail, and direct all your advertising emails to this account.
This will prevent a whole lot of extra admin work that you really don’t need. All you will need to then do is go in once a week to clean up your account and delete any unimportant emails so your inbox doesn’t get too full.
How To Use Free Online Advertising Sites
When logging into a free advertising site, be sure to browse through the different categories on offer. Make sure to place your ad in the correct category for the best chances of the right person seeing your ad. You can also use several related categories, and this increases your chances as your ad will pop up in more places.
Make sure to always include your website address, as your goal is to drive as many people to your website as possible. Don’t waste precious time putting ads up that won’t drive traffic to your website.
How often should I place Ads
This will all depend on the free online advertising sites that you are using. Sometimes your ad will roll off the site within the hour, and others you will be on for a month or more.
It is advisable to post to your free advertising sites once a day so that you are always showing up as a recent addition near the top.
Where Are these Free Online Advertising Sites?
Here is a list of some of my favorite online advertising sites, and most of them are 100 percent free.
- www.gumtree.co.za
- www.capeads.co.za
- www.alltheweb.co.za
- www.adoos.co.za
- www.youpost.co.za
- www.mytoko.co.za
- www.vottle.com
- www.adssa.co.za
- www.browzit.co.za
- www.freebizadsweb.com
- www.advertiseforfree.co.za
- www.junkmail.co.za (Also a print edition for this one)
- www.facebook.com (Great for viral marketing)
- www.olx.co.za
- www.freeadstime.org
- blog.hubspot.com
- www.airbnb.com
There are literally thousands more. Simply Google “Free Advertising.”
What About Safelist Advertising?
I use safelists in conjunction with Referral Frenzy in order to save time. Here are some of the better ones to read about if you don’t want to mail in bulk using the above method.
- Bweeble
- Viral Ad Store
- Leads Leap (Not a Safelist)
- Viral Nugget
- Simple Safelist
The others that I make use of can be found here.
The Best Advertising of All!
Besides having your own website and doing SEO on it, the simplest and easiest way to get exposure is to create a buzz for whatever it is you want to advertise and then get the word out there.
Speak to people everywhere you go and make sure to carry business cards or flyers with you to hand out. Printing a sign for your car also works wonders.
The best advertising of all is definitely word of mouth.
For more great Free Online Advertising Sites I have Listed my Top 10 Safelists Here.

Hello Michel.
Interestin article you have got. Didn’t know before that you can place your ads for free on some pages. I’m interested in trying how this works. So far, I’ve tried putting my ads only on facebook… So tell me, have you tried these free online advertising sites, and which ones? Did they help you to bring the traffic to your website?
Yes have tried them all, but not only for traffic, but to also sell goods. Posting consistently does the trick
Great and informative article! I’ve never tried free online advertising sites, only paid ads.
Do you ever use paid advertising? What are your experiences with free advertising compared to paid advertising?
My concern is always that free ad sites are visited mostly by people who put the ads up there and not the real audience.
If you think it’s worth the effort, I´ll give it a try!
I can’t vouch for any of the paid ones I have tried, but if I find a gem I will post an article. Free does work but is harder work and more time consuming.
Hi Michel, thanks for these recommendations. One question though: How can I tell if I come across scams. I hope you forgive me, but when I see something for free that sounds too good to be true, I wonder if it could be a scam.
Are there sites that pose as free advertising but turn out to be scams? Or are there any other harms that could result from signing up for sites like these? Thanks again!
I haven’t had any issues with these particular sites.