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Program Review of Simple Safelist
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Update April 2020:
On visiting this site again, I see the whole look has changed. I am not sure whether Debbie Penner has sold this platform, as there are quite a few changes.
Time will tell whether or not this site is still as good as it used to be.
Type of Program: Safelist with a Twist
Website: Simple Safelist
Owner: Debbie Penner
Experience: Over 10 Years of Marketing Online
Price: No Charge, Unless you need to purchase credits or upgrade
Commissions: 10% – 75% Depending on if you are a gold, silver or bronze member
Surf Timer: 6 – 8 Seconds
Ease of Use: Very Good
Design: All the Latest Features
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I have been using safelists for a long time to get traffic to my sites. I do have a few favorites when it comes to safelists and some that I won’t waste any time on, as they yield so little traffic.
Simple Safelist is a safelist with a bit of a difference, as they give you a step by step plan to market their site. There is also a great downline builder in which your referrals are encouraged to join. Although most join free, I still get the odd commission from referrals here.
Simple Safelist Review
- Solo Ads
- Surfing Ads
- High Priority Mailer
- Credit Mailer
- Banner and Button Ads
- Text Links
- Full Page Sponsored Ads
- Referral Builder
- Personal Downline Builder
- Earn Free Ads Every Time You Click “X” Amount Of Ads
- Earn Discounts By Clicking Ads
- Transfer Credits To Your Referrals
- Personal Splash Page Builder
- New Super Solo Ads
The Good
- Active Admin.
- Been running for a few years and still going strong.
- Downline Builder that gets you referrals on autopilot.
- Personal Downline Builder that you can put your own sites into. There is enough space for three.
- Ad co-op. I haven’t tried this yet, but great for marketers who are too busy to advertise.
- Free training – who doesn’t love free.
- Easy to use.
- Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly competitions.
- Training on-site that you can work through at your own pace.
- Facebook group with more great training.
The Bad
- Like any safelist, you need to use it often to get results. It’s a numbers game.
- Advertising, although a good click-through rate is not as responsive as paid advertising, as most people are clicking for credits.
Who Would Benefit from Simple Safelist
- Any marketer who is looking for free or low-cost advertising.
- Any marketer who is trying to build up multiple streams of income using safelists.
Simple Safelist Pricing:
- Bronze – Free
- Silver – $ 5.97 per month
- Gold – $ 16.50 per month
- Bronze: 10%
- Silver: 30%
- Gold: 75%
My Verdict:
I give this product a 4.5 out of 5, and as far as safelists go, I feel that this is one of the better ones due to the high open rates in their mail system. This program is definitely not a scam, and it works well for the purpose that it was designed for. I hope my Simple Safelist Review has helped you to make an informed decision. Please feel free to leave your comment below.
Click Here to join Simple Safelist
However, if you want to build a more sustainable online business, you may want to look at this one.
Click Here to see my number one recommendation for making money online.

This is interesting and I may look into it.
I am somewhat skeptical of all safelists however I know some people find success with them. However my preference is always organic sources of traffic and I guess a slower methodical build rather than bombardments required via safelists.
Can you offer some strategies you find useful? or safe lists that are highly recommended? Or is this your preferred?
Yes, will be posting more on this, but these are my top 10 Safelists that I use.
I use safelists almost every day to bring traffic to various offers I’m promoting, but I didn’t know about this one. The pricing looks very reasonable. If you tried this safelist yourself, it would be a good thing to post your results (number of clicks on each mail, number of referrals or sales you made…). To me, a good safelist must bring 50-100 clicks per mailing. What do you think? Do you know other good safelists?
I must go back and check or start a new log. I did do a post with my top 10 choices.
Hi, this is quite interesting to me. I tried safe lists a few years ago and got hardly any traffic from them at all, certainly no conversions. Your review of this safe list has made me think again about giving these services a try. You say that this is one of the better one’s, can you give an example of the success you have had with this site? Does the traffic convert well into sales or is it best sent to a squeeze page to build your list? Have you tried the paid solo ads on here or just the free traffic?
Any further information would be appreciated.
I have never tried the paid solos no, but have an upgraded membership so get a lot of credits. I do get referrals here from time to time, and use of splash pages definitely works best. Build your list if you can. On each mail I get between 15 and 40 click throughs, but that’s why you need to do mass mailing with safelists to get results.
That was a good review of safelist. I think that trying it will don’t do any harm. Do you think that safelist will help to make more significant traffic to our websites?
Oh, just want you to know that the commissions area have a typo. I think you meant that the 75% commission is for Gold members.
Thank you for this review, I think it’s very helpful.
Thanks for that. Just a word of warning. Don’t send safe list traffic to any sites you may have with Adsense on.
I’m still relatively new to the affiliate marketing space so out of 100% of what I’m reading, I estimate my understanding to be in the 30-80% range. Your review on Simple Safelist was concise and I am writing some of the information down in the “Need To Learn More About” category of my notebook.
In terms of a cost comparison are there a number of companies that do the same thing for about the same cost?
There seem to be so many ways you can do things wrong and be punished by the search engines, and people, in this business – any software that keeps me on the straight and narrow seems like a good investment.
All the best,
Thanks for the comment. Will see what I can do too improve my Simple Safelist Review.
I’m certainly looking for anything to help get traffic to my site as well as build up a list. Simple Safelist has me intrigued and after reading your review, I certainly want to give it a try. I love free training and if it is easy to use and understand, that just makes it even better. Thank you for posting this review!
Just a word of warning, don’t advertise your site on Simple Safelist if you have Adsense on it. Google doesn’t like you advertising on safelists with adsense.