My Bweeble Review – The Good And The Bad


If you have reached this Bweeble review, you are probably researching information about Bweeble. You will want to find out if Bweeble is a good site and whether is it worth joining or not? This is my Bweeble review according to my experience with the site.

bweeble reviewSo What Is Bweeble?

Bweeble is the future of social email marketing, or so they claim.

Let’s take a closer look.

I have been a member of Bweeble for a number of years now, and use their platform for advertising.

Bweeble Review

Bweeble is a social list builder as well as a bulk email company.

The platform is basically a simple and easy to use email marketing tool. To use it, all you have to do is click on Send Message Now and fill out the email that you want to send and to how many people you want to send it to.

As a free member you will need to rack up some credits first by reading other people’s emails, but as a paid member you can go ahead and send according to your membership level.

For each email that you click on you get 30 credits. I try to make sure I open the solo’s as then you can get up to 300 credits and in that way you can rack them up quickly. Sometimes, after the required time you get to read the ad has expired, Bweeble brings up a link that you need to click within a certain time frame to earn bonus credits, so keep an eye out for those.

Once your email is sent, all you have to do is sit back and wait for the traffic to come in! As a free member you can email up to 2000 members every 7 days. However, as an upgraded member you can send up to 15000 emails every 2 days, not to mention tons of other amazing benefits.

You can monitor how well you emails are doing, and from the screen shot below my results have varied quite a bit for the same title of email. Try to make your titles exciting so that people will want to open them up.

Below you will see a campaign I was working on a couple of years ago. As a free member I could send out 2000 emails at a time, and the number to the right is how many of those emails clicks.

is bweeble

I must warn you that as a free member only sending 2000 mails a week, the response rate is small, and I had greater success when I was a paid member emailing in bulk every couple of days.

Why Is Bweeble Different To The Rest?

Bweeble is better than your average email marketing platform, because you can create your own custome profile, which is a great tool to brand yourself.

Everytime somebody visits the link that you are advertising, your custom brand will be seen, and people get to know and trust you in this way. The site is pretty active, and it has loads of members.

You can also connect and get feedback from other internet marketers, so if you are a member of Bweeble make sure that you use this feature.

Once people start to recognize you, they are 10xs more likely to pay attention to your offer and sign up to your list. Plus, people will be able to add comments on your brand bar, follow you on Twitter, and ‘Bweeb’ your site if they like it!

The site is pretty active, and it has loads of members.

Bweeble also runs regular competions to keep its members active.

Can You Make Money From Bweeble?

Well, the answer here is yes you can, but don’t quit your day job.

While you can make money by referring others to Bweeble, I wouldn’t count on this income alone to sustain you should you want to quit your job. If you are looking for a more sustainable way to make money long term, this is what I am doing.

The commissions are pretty good at 20% for a free member and 50% for a paid member of the monthly fees that your referrals pay, but unfortunately most of your referrals will join as free members.

How Much Does It Cost To Join Bweeble?

You can join as a free member, or you can ramp up your advertising and take one of the paid packages below:bweeble review

Who Should Join Bweeble?

This site is aimed at internet marketers who are advertising make money online programs. If you have a website about pets, I don’t think this one will work for you.

Don’t expect to get massive traffic overnight as a free member, but the more you use the platform the better you will do. Once you find an email that converts, you will see results. The results however are nowhere near Pay Per Click Results which are super targeted.

I am a member of Bweeble, but I use it in conjunction with Referral Frenzy. In this way I can send one email marketing campaign to all the programs I belong to at once, and as more emails are going out in a blast, my results are marginably better. In this way I only have to log into one site to send out all my marketing emails instead of wasting time logging into all of them. I can even schedule my mailings to go out for the next month.

Being a member of Referral Frenzy also means that I get a lot of free credits to all the sites on their list each month, so this saves me a lot of time clicking for credits, which I try to avoid at all costs.

How To Build A Sustainable Online Business

Although Bweeble is a great little advertising site, you are not going to be able to make a living off this site alone.

If you want to learn how to build a sustainable online business of your own that you can be proud of, you need to learn how to do it by clicking here.

I trust you have found my Bweeble Review helpful. Please don’t hesitate to comment below if you have any questions.



Michel Maling

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