Here are some ideas on how to drive traffic to your website for free. I am sure you will find some or all of them useful if you do any sort of internet marketing.
For many website owners, driving traffic is the most difficult part of owning your own online business – getting visitors to see what you have created.
There are many ways to drive traffic for free and here are some of them.
How To Drive Traffic To Your Website For Free
Using Keywords
Did you know that the best ways on how to drive traffic to your website for free are by writing a lot of content, and making sure all your content is keyword optimized? If you are not using great keywords when writing your blog posts, you are throwing potential traffic away, because you need to find out what people are typing into the search engines, and then use those words to optimize your blog posts.
I use a very simple keyword tool to do this, and you can read all about it here. There are many keyword tools that you can use, but none as quick or as easy to use as this one. Unfortunately, it is not free unless you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate, but you can still try it out for free.
Next, to get lots of visitors you are going to have to work hard at creating great content, and lots of it. I am talking about getting your website to well over 100 posts, and that is a lot of work, but so worth it in the end. If you need help with creating content and making your website rank on the search engines, I suggest you read my review of the company I use to host my websites and join up for some great training. It’s free to get started.
Using SEO
Doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website goes a long way to getting organic traffic. The best thing about organic traffic is that it is free and this is the traffic that you get from the search engines when people type in a search term and come across your website.
You can read more about SEO here.
Or you could get a book to teach you if you prefer.
This book is a true beginner’s guide based on years of experience but updated.
You’ll learn the ins and outs and best practices of successful on-site SEO to make your website more search-engine friendly.
Each chapter will introduce you to best practices to optimize your website with images and actionable directions.
More Ways To Drive Traffic
Here are some more free ways to drive traffic to your site, although they do take constant work.
- Firstly, tell your friends and family about your site. Most of us know about 200 people on average, so let them know what you are doing – it might even be relevant to them.
- Use Forums to post helpful opinions. This will help you gain credibility and refer people back to your site. Yahoo Answers is a good one to start off with.
- Promotional handouts and business cards can be passed out to those you meet with your website address at the bottom.
- Use newspaper classified ads online. They are free, and if you post every day, you will be amazed at the increase in visitors. Make sure that you post under the relevant topics so that you get visitors that are interested in your subject.
- Write and publish articles on article directories or do a press release. This method is slightly outdated but still works if you make sure to post to good article and press release sites.
- Write an eBook and brand it. The ebook should refer and link to your website throughout. Advertise your FREE ebook and give it away. This is a great example of viral advertising. You can also offer your eBook as a way to build your list.
- Whenever you have finished publishing a blog post, make sure to share it on as many social media sites as possible. Over time, you will get more and more traffic using this method, especially if your posts go viral.
- Most important, write interesting posts that people will want to read. Make the post look attractive and use images, and this way your visitors will stay longer and engage more.
- Try joining Leads Leap and Adchiever for some great free advertising.
There you have it – some great ways on how to drive traffic to your website for free.
The internet is continuously growing, so you need to claim your share of traffic, as there is enough for everyone.
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