It is not difficult to write if you let the words flow from within you, and you write about something that you know about. Here are some tips on how to write a great article.
When you were at school, you were forced to write Essays. So you did learn how to write once upon a time and perhaps you have just forgotten how to over the years. Like anything, the more you do it, the better you become at it.
It might help to think of writing articles for your blog as something fun to do and something that you can do to help other people.
Even if you have to write about a topic that doesn’t interest you, there are plenty of resources on the internet to help you do your research with speed and ease.
It also helps a lot if you can type fast. This is a skill well worth learning as it will save you an enormous amount of time, especially if you are writing a lot of content for your blog.
For more tips on producing content quickly, you can click here.
How To Write A Great Article
Good content is relatively easy to create. Most people don’t realize it, but everybody has interesting and relevant things to say. Good writing technique is a little harder and it’s often the thing that makes or breaks an article.
A strong article will change minds while a weak article will fall flat.
Here are some great article writing tips:
- Always do keyword research if writing anything online. Jaaxy is a great tool to use for this.
- Plan your article and do your research.
- Start with a short punchy paragraph and aim to capture your reader’s attention here so that they read further.
- Share your point of view, and then back it up with solid evidence.
- Plan your article, and make sure the title is delivered in the article.
- Keep your writing style simple, clean and clear. Imagine you are talking to a close friend while you are writing.
- Start with an introduction and end with a conclusion.
- Always double check your spelling and grammar.
- Sometimes it is best to write one day then go over and add more the next day, as you will always get more ideas to add and see things you don’t like.
- Keep your paragraphs short and space your work out so that it looks visually appealing.
- Don’t write fluff – get to the point and make sure that you are answering the readers question in the most direct way possible.
- Tell a story and relate it to your personal life and you will relate better to your readers.
- Check the validity of the information that you are putting out there. There is nothing worse than seeing your article out there a few months down the line and realizing that the content is exaggerated or untrue.
- When promoting a product, talk about the benefits of the products not just the features. There will always be a lot of products out there with similar features, but only yours will have certain benefits.
- Don’t be tempted to use complicated language. Make it simple and easy to understand, or once again you will lose your audience.
- Read, revise and repeat before you publish. It helps to read your article aloud to yourself or to get a friend or family member to read it to you.
- Drive your point home and build a reputation for yourself as an expert in your field.
- And lastly – be proud of your work!!!!
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and they have some great training on article marketing right here for you to see. You can join for free if you want further access to the training and learn in even more detail on how to write a great article.
Why Should I Know How To Write Great Articles?
As a lot of you out there know, article writing is one of the best free methods that there is to promote your online business, your website and yourself.
By writing decent articles you are establishing yourself as an authority in your field and of course, as I mentioned above, the more you write, the better you get at it.
Web publishers are always looking for good content for their websites, so you get to increase the links to your website. You can even guest post on other blogs in order to get visitors from their blog back to yours.
How To Write A Quick And Effective Article
If you want a quick and effective article try this tip.
Write down a problem at the top, and then five or six ways to solve that problem.
Elaborate on each point and then write a final paragraph to finish off, and voila, you have an article.
A good length to go on if you want better search engine rankings is now over 1000 words. Be very careful though not to write fluff. You still need to make your article engaging and get to the point as quickly as you can.