If you want some tips on how to write articles faster, whether it be for your website, blog or as a freelance writer, you have come to the right/write page.
This post is about how to write articles faster in your own words. In other words, unique content for your website, not PLR or spinning articles. This type of unique content is what the search engines are looking for and good quality content that helps people is what will help your articles to get indexed in Google and the other search engines.
As you may well know, this year I have decided to take part in the Wealthy Affiliate Challenge, which is the reason I have ramped up my work on this website and I am writing a lot more content than I normally do.
Now in the second month of the challenge, we are being taught how to ramp up our content production and Kyle the owner of Wealthy Affiliate has given us some excellent ideas on how to write articles faster.
This is the first time I am trying this method of writing content and already I have my next twelve posts planned, keywords in place and have written one 1500 word article so far and this is only day 1. This is how Kyle suggests we do this.
How To Write Articles Faster
Of course, it helps if you can also type fast. If you suck at typing, maybe try dictation. A lot of people can pump out serious volumes of articles using this method because you simply speak and the computer types what you say.
I may be old fashioned, but I still prefer typing my articles, but luckily I can type about sixty words a minute which also helps a lot. If you are a slow typer, rather than get frustrated, try dictation.
Step 1:
Keyword Research
Doing your keyword research all at once will save you an amazing amount of time when it comes to putting your articles together. Let’s say for argument’s sake that you are doing the Wealthy Affiliate Super Challenge, and the requirement is to write 12 unique articles of at least 1000 words over the next five weeks.
First of all, you are going to go into your Jaaxy account, or simply type your keyword in below to test Jaaxy out if you don’t already have a Jaaxy account and would like to try it out.
By using Jaaxy for my keyword research, I managed to find 12 great keywords for my articles in under thirty minutes. Make sure that you find keywords that are closely related to the website that you are typing the articles for. Remember that relevance is everything.
This is my screenshot on Jaaxy of me doing keyword research on the words ‘how to type faster.’
When picking good keywords, try to choose keywords with searches over 100 per month and where the competition from competing sites is under 100 if you want to rank easier and get traffic to your website.
So I mainly look at the Avg column and the QSR column in Jaaxy for this information.
So if I look at the list above the keyword ‘how to type faster’ is good, but the competition is a little on the high side. ‘learn type faster’ is great, but the keyword doesn’t make sense. ‘How to learn to type faster looks like a great keyword as it has 2772 searches per month and the QSR is only 18. By using this keyword I could also rank for ‘learn to type faster.’
This is the quickest and easiest method I know for getting great long tail keywords.
Step 2:
Write Compelling Headings For Your Articles
Now that you have 12 great keywords to base your articles around, the next thing is to find compelling headlines for those 12 keywords.
For instance, instead of heading up my article how to learn to type faster, I would rather call it 10 tips on how to learn to type faster, or how to learn to type faster in ten weeks.
The trick is to make people want to click on your article and read it because your title is what will show up in the Search Engine results.
Step 3:
Set Your Articles Out
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, so I use site content within their platform to plan out my articles. I set out twelve new articles with the headings I have planned.
Then I go into each article and write out subheadings for each one as I have explained in step four.
If you don’t have this feature to take advantage of, use your word processing platform on your computer to write your articles then you can copy and paste them to your website once they are ready to publish.
The other option is to do draft articles within WordPress and simply publish them when they are ready.
Step 4:
Write Sub Headings For Each Of Your Articles
The next stage in the process of how to write articles faster is to take all of your articles and see what you want to write about in each article.
Break the article down into sections with headings.
If you are just learning about the topic you are writing about, it may take some research on your part, but find subheadings and write them down so that you know how your article is going to pan out.
If you are a bit stuck here, ask the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When and How). These are the questions most people will have when looking for content to read so answer as many of them in relation to your heading as possible.
Step 5:
Fill Out Your Content In The Blank Spaces
Once you have all your headings in place, it is easy to go and fill in the blanks under each heading. The skeleton for each article is there, and you can go in when you have a chance and just add to each article as you wish.
Step 6:
Add Images
Every article you write should have relevant images. The search engines love graphics and people find content with images much more interesting to read than content that is just written with no images.
Make sure that your image matches your content. Don’t discuss SEO and then put a cute photo of your cat in the middle of the article. Remember again, relevance is very important to the search engines.
If you are using site content, you can grab images from their platform. If not there are free images available on Pixabay.com that you can use.
You can also take your own screenshots as I did above or your own photo’s to download onto your website. If taking images off of Google, check usage rights before you use them, as many of the images online are copyright.
What I love about site content is that I can add pictures, spell check and then publish straight to my website all from one platform, which saves me a lot of time.
In no time you will have finished 12 great articles that you can publish to your blog. I find this method on how to write articles faster a far quicker method than writing one article at a time, and I don’t know why I didn’t try this long ago.

Oh! this is a very nice post. And I totally agree with you that writing the sub headings for your article makes it easy to feel and speeds up the writing process. Because, you already know the big lines of your post all you have to do is to fill the blank space. Doing this process makes writing more fun and easy, especially for those who are not use to writing.
Yes this is a great process for beginners to follow and I don’t know why I didn’t try it long ago!
A great selection of tips here! I love the suggestion of making a type of framework first, and then fleshing out the content seems much easier. One of the best tips I ever got for writing was not to be afraid of white space, and in fact to use lots of it to break up the content. It’s especially important with the number of people reading content on a mobile phone. Without these spaces, articles can look way too difficult to read, and send visitors away really quickly. I love Pixabay too, and use it regularly.
You are so right Mara, white space definitely makes an article a lot more appealing to read.
Hi Michel, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. Writing faster is becoming more popular today especially for bloggers as they want to write as much possible for their blogs. I think that keyword research is the most important thing as just like you said, if we have already prepared keywords, we can save a lot of time.
You are right Daniel. This is the first time I have tried it this way, and I have almost finished writing and publishing all my articles for the month.
These are useful tips that will help if I do implement. Of late I’ve been so tight with my schedules that I barely plan into my blog but upon reading your article it has struck some ideas. Before clicking your article title, I was expecting to read about some software and other strategies that will require less of my effort but you’ve made me realize that there’s no magic wand to produce quality content as long as Google is in control.
But typing 60 words per minute is heck a speed and I’m not sure I can type as fast as you. I’ve got to sit up and do some practice. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for stopping by and glad this article was useful for you. Hope it helps to get that content out faster.