How to get traffic on your website for free, or rather massive traffic to your website is a question a lot of website owners would love to find out more about.
If you do any sort of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work, you know that it takes a long time for the search engines to recognize your site as one of authority and rank you well so that you can get masses of organic traffic. If you want to know how to get traffic on your website in other faster ways, then read on.
John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson have done it again. They have designed a Massive Traffic Package which has some awesome ways for you to get more traffic to your site, without having to rely on Google.
I have always enjoyed John Thornhill’s courses, and the Massive Traffic Package is no exception.
These guys have included some awesome bonuses with the purchase, and this product below is one of them. Simple traffic solutions was one of their first products which I bought and still find very useful in driving traffic using some of the methods that John recommends.
With this Massive Traffic Package they have simply bundled a whole lot of their traffic generation courses together, which means you get about six courses for the price of one.
Other bonuses that are included in the Massive Traffic Package are as follows:
- 45-day traffic plan workshop;
- a traffic generation explosion course which consists of 52 video’s which have both basic and advanced techniques for getting traffic;
- 150 000 private label rights articles for you to use; (I must admit I far prefer writing my own)
- a course about using free Google tools to generate traffic;
- ClickBank Affiliate Master Software.
At the time of writing this article, the Massive Traffic Package was going for $19.95.
How To Get Traffic On Your Website
There are so many ways in which you can get traffic on your website, and this is why John and Dave have put it in course form.
These are just some of the ways that I use to get most of my traffic:
- Good Keyword Research is the first and most important way to get more traffic.
- Using social media once your posts are written to get more exposure. I use Linked In, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
- Writing keyword-optimized content as often as possible. Writing content that is relevant and interesting also helps a lot. If you need help finding keywords, try Jaaxy Keyword Tool or read this.
- Using Only Wire.
- Making sure to have links within your posts to other pages on your blog. This is a good SEO technique.
- Using Yahoo Answers with links back to my blog.
Who Would Need To Have The Massive Traffic Package?
Any affiliate marketer, website owner, or blogger can benefit from this package. The course focuses on different ways to keep sending streams of traffic to your offer. And the best part is that you can drive massive traffic absolutely free.
Even if you think you know it all, there are some new methods in here that I guarantee you haven’t heard of yet.
For any marketer wanting to generate more traffic without using expensive methods, the Massive Traffic Package is for you. The training is awesome and very high quality. Most of the methods are free.
The only con I found is to find the time to get through it all.
If anyone owns this already, please feel free to comment below.
How to get traffic on your website has never been easier.
Click here if you would like to purchase The Massive Traffic Package.
If you want to build an online business as I have, click here to see my number #1 recommendation for your sustainable success.