If you have come across a program called Automatic Builder and were wondering if Automatic Builder was a scam, I took a chance and tried it out. In fact, I am still trying it out, so let me tell you about my experience in this Automatic Builder Review.
Automatic Builder Review
Name: Automatic Builder
Website: https://automaticbuilder.com
Price: $27 – $47
Owners: Art and Rob Phelps
Overall Rank: 75 out of 100
What On Earth Is Automatic Builder?
Automatic Builder is basically a professional-looking landing page or gateway page for you to build any online business of your choice. In order to use this professional website, you will need to pay a fee of $27 or $47 which all goes directly to your sponsor.
What I liked is that you can also try the system out for free for as long as you like, but you won’t be able to earn any money by using it in this way, merely try out all the tools and see if this program is for you.
Once you leave your email and sign in for the first time you will see a button to click on to see what business your sponsor is involved in. You will also have the choice of three different levels that you can choose from.
The trial pack is free, and you get to promote your primary business using the platform. However, you don’t get commissions if your referrals upgrade within the system. You could however get upgrades in your business as you are bringing them in via a different pathway.
The next option is $27 once off and if you take this option you will get commissions when others take this option too.
The third option costs $47 once off and includes advertising worth $150 and the ability to build your downline in one or all of these advertising platforms.
Most of the advertising platforms are paid-only sites, so if one of your referrals purchases advertising it will be under your link, so you will get paid a commission.
Who Are The Faces Behind Automatic Builder?
AutomaticBuilder was developed by Art and Rob Phelps and is the culmination of their 30 years of experience in both online and offline marketing between them.
AutomaticBuilder is dedicated to helping business owners, as well as non-business owners, regardless of their experience or available resources, grow an online business and increase their income.
Aside from Internet Marketing, Art and Rob Phelps have been Advisory Board members in 3 separate companies helping those companies develop many of their online marketing strategies.
AutomaticBuilder’s highly experienced team of consultants are experts in direct selling, online marketing, training, video, advertising, lead generation, high-tech, and Internet fields and are responsible for generating over 36 million in sales for three separate companies.
Are There Any More Upsells?
As this is an Automatic Builder Review, I must warn you that there are two more upsells within the system. Both of them are optional, and the system will still be usable without purchasing these.
The first of which is an autoresponder. This will cost you $7.95 per month, which means that you can build your list on their autoresponder system, and they will send out emails on your behalf for a year. This will, in turn, help you to convert your signups into customers, as many people only purchase something after they have had a little time to think about it.
You also get your own homepage on the system, where you can brand yourself, as well as add up to three of your top programs to recommend to your followers.
The second expense will be if you want to send a broadcast to your list. This will cost you around $5.95 a month and you will be able to send a broadcast to 3000 people per month.
Who Is Automatic Builder For?
Automatic builder is great for newbies in the internet marketing game, as you don’t need any technical knowledge to get this system up and running fast.
It took me about an hour to set it up and the instructions and videos on the site are very clear.
Once the system is set up, all you need to do is promote the given link and watch your list grow.
The website looks professional and the video, will suit any make-money-online opportunity, so you can use it to promote just about anything. It takes the pain out of going to all the trouble of building your own website or landing page and lets you start earning from day one.
This system will suit anyone who wants to earn some money online, but doesn’t have the time to write content or design their own website.
However, if you want to build a long-term sustainable income, check out my number #1 recommendation here.
What I Love About Automatic Builder System:
- The website is professional-looking and easy to navigate.
- You can use PayPal or a choice of three other payment processors in order to get paid. Commissions are paid straight away.
- It is sometimes good to have another gateway for your product, especially if the program you are promoting is very competitive. Many times people will gloss over a program they have seen often, but this system will get your prospects to take another closer look at your opportunity.
- It’s another great way to build your list.
- I like that the autoresponders are pre-written, leaving you free to focus on promoting the system.
What I Don’t Like About Automatic Builder System:
- Although you have a choice of different landing pages, everyone is basically using the same ones, so there is no chance of you being listed on the search engines.
- There are no refunds, as your money is paid directly to your sponsor. However, you do have a chance to try the system for free first, so you know exactly what you are getting.
- The advertising resources are not all good, and I think there are better ones out there. I was impressed to see that they are using Referral Frenzy as one of their resources, as I enjoy using that platform, however, I have had little to no success in the past with one of their other advertising resources – Global Safelist.
- I think that the training modules could have been better. Newbies are not going to learn enough about promoting this system in the most effective way simply by following this training alone.
- The autoresponder system is totally controlled by Automatic Builder so I would highly recommend transferring your leads into your own autoresponder.
- The price states that it is a once-off amount, but if you look at what they are offering, it says one-year free hosting. I am not quite sure what happens after a year?
My Final Verdict
All in all, I think Automatic Builder is a nifty little system, and it builds your list at the same time, so what’s not to like.
I also like the commission structure, and it is a great way to earn some extra income on the side. You basically only need one referral to purchase the system and you have made your investment back.
Obviously, you are going to have to keep on promoting this one in order to see constant results, which is why I prefer using this platform as a long-term solution.
If you have your own online business, you only need to do the work once, and you get paid many times over. See how to do this by trying out this platform.
Please comment below if you have anything else to add to this Automatic Builder Review.