In this article, let’s look at Twitter, which is often overlooked as a marketing platform. Here are some Twitter Marketing Tips you can use for your online business.
Twitter is like the abbreviated version of Facebook, and while its options are not as complex, many people find its simplicity very useful. One great thing about Twitter is that it allows you to develop more professional and casual relationships, not necessarily ‘friends’ but followers.
In fact, Twitter is far more often used as a means of advertising new pages of content, recruiting employees and clients, answering customer service concerns and other business concerns.
Twitter Marketing Tips
Twitter is a very useful marketing tool, and there are different options you can use to market yourself or your business, as well as follow other people. You can follow anybody from Marketing Guru’s to Celebrities.
It takes time to build up your own Twitter following, but it is well worth it to put some time aside each week to follow others and build up on your content.
Twitter moves really quickly, and the average lifespan of a post on Twitter is eighteen minutes, so make those minutes count. Did. you know that over 7000 new tweets are sent every second on Twitter?
This makes the shelf life of one tweet on Twitter four times shorter than a post on Facebook.
So because it is so easy to get lost in the crowd, it is important to make your Twitter messages stand out and ‘stick.’
Here are some of the features that Twitter offers to it’s users as well as some Twitter Marketing Tips that I am sure you will find useful:
Real Time Search
Real time search allows you to search topics on what people are talking about and is great to discern trendy new subjects and other market research.
Twitter, of course, is one of the real time publishing leaders of the microblogging niche.
So much material is published by so many people so quickly through Twitter that real time search is largely synonymous with searching tweets. “Real Time Chat” or “Real Time Talk,” are other names for real time search.
Interact With The Latest News
You have a choice of interacting with the latest news stories or commenting on the website’s most popular keyword searches. You can click the ‘Discover’ or the ‘Connect’ tabs to explore your options. You can find more friends or even surf the new categories option for a Yahoo-like approach to various channels in the Twitter zone.
The key to earning traffic through Twitter is to create a huge list of followers.
The best way to do this is to focus on writing excellent niche content. Give serious thought to your tweets and try to make all of your microblog posts informative and/or entertaining.
Some individuals (not celebrities!) have actually earned millions of followers just because they kept a running journal of thoughts and stay in touch with their circle.
One great way to earn more traffic is to take a look at other users who are operating in your niche. Find them and look at their followers. Follow them and correspond with them about the subjects they find interesting. In this respect, you can use Twitter like your own blog, to build your own community of users.
Just remember to keep tweets regular (there are actually programs that help you schedule tweets, like Hootsuite). Try to avoid repetitive company promotion and actually hold a conversation with your followers. You can gain more traffic by reposting good tweets, linking to excellent resources, and replying to all tweets sent to you, thereby building online relationships. (And who knows, these sources may eventually become your customers).
Make your profile picture memorable to make you stand out from the crowd. Keep it the same so that people remember you when they see you again. A clean simple logo is great if you are using Twitter to promote your business. Make sure that your bio description matches your business image that you are using on Twitter. Add relevant hash tags so that people find you when they do a hash tag search.
How Many Hash Tags Do I Need?
When you post, be sure to use the right hashtags to suit your post, but don’t overuse them. Experts say it’s optimal to place no more than two hash tags per post. More than that and your engagement decreases. I found it interesting to read that tweets that contain hashtags receive twice the engagement than those that don’t.
Keep hashtag use to a minimum if you can, too. Don’t overload users with tons of hashtags for everything you post.
You can also use a tool like Hashtagify to find the best hashtags for your tweets. The tool suggests hashtags that are related to the keywords you enter. You can also use Hashtagify to determine the strength of your hashtags before you use them, so you know which ones work best.
What Times Should I Tweet?
Tweet during the peak times for more exposure. According to Buffer, tweets posted on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday have higher click through rates than those posted during other days of the week. Maybe this is due to the fact that people have more time over the weekends. Your peak posting times will depend on your specific audience, so test how your content performs at different times and days to find out what works best for your brand.
Should I Add Images?
Studies have shown that adding images to your posts get you 89% more favorites or likes.
Make sure only to add compelling images that are relevant to. your post and of a high-quality. Never use an image that doesn’t relate to your tweet just for the sake of adding an image.
If you want to take it to the next level, try adding a video to you tweet. Tweets with video’s have the highest engagement rates, and Twitter allows you to download a video straight to your post. Video tweets are six times more likely to be reposted than those without video.
Don’t Forget A Call To Action
Having a call to action on your post also makes it more likely that your readers take action. Calls to action can include something like this at the end of your post:
- Follow us
- Visit our site
- Shop our sales
- Download here
- Learn more
Integrating Twitter With WordPress
Twitter is truly one of those tools that you should take advantage of on your WordPress blog. The power of retweeting is not fully understood by most bloggers.
Twitter and WordPress go together like Strawberries and Cream (you can’t have one without the other).
There are tons of Twitter tools available that you can combine with WordPress, to turn your blog into the best marketing platform around. You can attract new followers and readers to your blog in no time at all. Let’s look at some of those tools:
Tweet This Plugin – This is a WordPress Twitter plugin that places a “retweet” button on your blog post so visitors can quickly and easily tweet your post through their own Twitter account.
Twitter Tools – This is another WordPress Twitter plugins that offers you a some cool but useful functions, that will automatically tweet your blog post to your own Twitter account.
TwitterLink Comments – This plugin is from the producers of CommentLuv. It adds a link to your Twitter profile every time a comment is posted to your blog post.
WordPress Greetbox – This is not a Twitter tool but it is an excellent plugin. Greetbox detects where your visitors are coming from and then provides a personal greeting message. This is one of those Twitter marketing tips you shouldn’t overlook.
Twitter Widget – TwitterCounter is the creator of the Twitter Widget WordPress plugin. It works great on a blog as it tracks Twitter users who come to your blog often.
Tweetmeme Retweet Button – I had a look at several different Twitter tools you can use with your WordPress blog, but there’s one other that’ deserve special mention. This great little plugin installs a button on your blog posts so that your visitors can easily retweet your posts to all of their Twitter followers. You can add the button by adding a short code API function.
Twitter has become an integral part of blogging, don’t discount twitter and the power of the retweet.
Please comment below if you have any other Twitter marketing tips to share with us.