Here are some search engine marketing tips that bloggers can think about when planning their blogs.
Most bloggers know that a well-written, entertaining and focused blog can generate huge volumes of traffic from visitors. This is one of the basic things to learn in blogging: blogs should be focused and centered on a topic and other related issues.
Search engine marketing is simply the process of getting your blog and its content sufficiently high ranking in several search engines for your keywords.
This would enable your content to generate more visitors to your site from SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages.
Search Engine Marketing Tips
Always try to use attention-grabbing titles for your content and sites help users to feel compelled to click on your link in the search engine results pages and thus visit your blog.
Additionally, search engine marketing needs a Website that is optimized for search engines.
You will need to brush up a bit on your SEO, but this is not as difficult as everyone makes it out to be. Search Engine Optimization can be a breeze if you get the right training.
Keyword research is the most important part of doing SEO. The search engine spiders will visit your site and look at your content based on keywords.
After doing this they will pick up significant keywords which determine what your page is about. Lastly, the content returns to the search engines for the purpose of being indexed.
Enhancing Search Engine Marketing
Nowadays, bloggers are making tons of small news web sites or mini content centers that contain significant information and links.
Compare this to in the past, when search engines visited major news web sites since they were the ones who were the ultimate sources for the newest content to be found online. Many blogs have outpaced several media outlets online due to their capability to deliver and publish fresh information to the public faster.
The key to getting noticed more by the search engines is to publish faster. Since search engines look for the freshest, high value and relevant information, it is important for you to publish as frequently as you can. This would get your blog more visits from major search engines, and thus your traffic will increase.
Blogs have a natural relationship with search engines which does make the bloggers’ life easier in a way.
Since blogs are natural search engine magnets, the search engine spiders will visit your blog often if they detect that your blog is updated on a regular basis. In addition, the content of your blog does not have to wait for months before getting into search engine result pages but instead, your content will be displayed in a matter of hours or days, once your blog gets bigger.
It is important to know how much the search engines can do for your blog. Blogs should be frequently updated to allow the search engine spider to visit you often, since they are normally programmed to visit your blog as often as you publish fresh contents.
Reasons Why Blogs Rank Well in Search Results
Firstly, blogs are designed to meet the demands of search traffic and search engines. Blogs are also highly significant in their niches and are considered as the best sources of the most up-to-date information online. More so, blogs can be keyword optimized.
Keyword optimization helps blogs achieve high rankings in search engine results. Additionally, wisely distributing the keywords evenly in the content of your article can also help your blog rank easily on search engine results. I can’t say it enough. Do your keyword research well and make sure you use long tail keywords that don’t have too much competition for the highest success rate. I use this tool for all my keyword research.
Compared to Web sites, blogs are also text-rich publishing tools. This only means that the code used by blogs is lightweight.
This fact makes your blog’s content highly visible to search engines. Search engine spiders can visit your blog frequently and crawl over your content faster because of greater clarity. This clarity provides a vivid interpretation of what the content of your blog is all about.
In the last of my search engine marketing tips, I highly recommend you use WordPress as your blogging platform.
WordPress is the most popular platform to use amongst bloggers and the search engines love WordPress. If you are using WordPress, you can download a plugin called Yoast, which will help you a lot with all the SEO relating to your blog.
That’s it for search engine marketing tips. Please feel free to comment below if you have anything else to add.

A lot as been made about search engine optimization. After setting up your blog and writing high-quality content, it could be an unenviable task to get your blog and your content to rank high in search engines such as Google. However, using great titles, meta tags, internal and external links in your blog can make it highly visible to readers.
These are wonderful tips which every blogger should consider. I have bookmarked the page in order for me to revisit easily because this is what I have been looking for.You have really put in a lot of energy in writing this for your blog lovers to read. You have provided great insights into how to start blogging for beginners and also on search engine marketing tips. Newbies will find it really helpful.
I hope that this information can help newbies especially, as most people give up at the beginning before they have even gotten their feet wet.
Thanks for the Seo tips. Great Search engine marketing is the best way to stay ahead of other blogs and draw traffic to your website. I had problem drawing traffic to my site till I was informed about search engine optimization. I also need a place to get trained on search engine optimization and how to use keywords in your posts. If you coiuld recommend a platform or site for this. Thanks
Thanks for stopping by Aweda. Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best place for training and hosting that you will find online.
I urge you to try it today. You can become a free member to start and test the waters.
Let me know what you think.
Nice article on search engine marketing tips. I must say you did a great job which all the information in this post.
This post is helpful for beginners and also an existing non-experienced blogger.
SEM is one of the most important marketing channels to generate web traffic and knowing how to utilize it goes a long way to become a successful blogger.
Yes, you are right. That extra bit of knowledge can go a long way to making a success of your blog.
Hi! Thank you for these great tips. Search engines have always been and will continue to be an excellent source of traffic. In first place because our content will be highly relevant to readers because it’s linked to the keyword they typed in the search engine. And in second place because this traffic is totally free! 🙂
I’ve set this as goal after reading your post: To publish a post at least once a week. I know the frequency is still low, but I want to set an achievable goal first. And from that point start writing posts ahead of time. And when the amount of post waiting to be published grows, then start to augment the publishing frequency. Thank you very much for these very useful tips!
If you do one really good, helpfull and long article once a week, this will also benefit your blog enormously.
Thanks very much for the tips. I know very well how important it is to get my SEO in order.
This article has brought some things subliminally to my notice one of them is that apart from automated search engine optimizations algorithms and software, some basic manual and deliberate practices can also booster our recognition by these search engines… Thanks very much for your detailed information.
Glad to have reminded you of some of the basics. Sometimes it helps to read articles like this again, as we get stuck in our ways and forget there are also other ways that work well.
Thank you for this educational post.
This post will be helpful for newbies like me because. I stumbled on a post like this on how to take advantage of the SEO of my blog in posItion to get ranked on Google by using Jaaxy.
After reading this post, it really helped me in consolidating my knowledge of the SEO.
Thank you for post
Thanks for stopping by Kehinde and glad to be of service. Best of luck with your website.
Hi Michel
I have been trying to rank on google and came across your website.
I have been paying a programmer to rank my site but still hasn’t happened, how have you been able to figure this stuff out? I am sick of paying people to do something and then wait forever to get it done?
How long did it take you to get some traffic and how did you figure out your key words? I am pretty new at this so any help you could offer would be appreciated.
Heck I can’t even figure out what my niche is, I could use help there too, any suggestions?
I know that organic traffic is pretty much free when it happens but it seems like I am chasing a dream and only the gurus occupy the top spot on all the first pages. I am willing to learn but don’t know where or who to trust would you be willing to help?
Don’t worry Murray, you will get there, you just need to have patience.
Choose a niche that interests you and then you can use Jaaxy to find some keywords that people are searching for regarding that niche.
Once you start writing content around keywords that haven’t got too much competition, the magic starts to happen. It’s gradual at first, but once your site grows bigger, you will get more and more organic traffic.
Make sure that the keyword of choice appears in your article at least 0.5% of the time just to make sure the search engines know what your article is about, and don’t forget to use your keyword as an alt tag on all your images.
Best of luck Murry.
Great educational stuff for bloggers in specific but generally it is widely beneficial and worthy of reading and understanding this important info.
I am not a frequent publisher and I never thought how important it was until I read your tips on blogging. The more frequently we publish with the relevant keyword focused and related, the chances of getting traffic is very high.
Yes that is correct Paul, and the more you publish, the more quickly you will index in the search engines after the article is published.