Want to know how to generate traffic for your website, the easy way. Ok, I won’t say too easy but there are various ways in which to do this.
The tried and trustworthy way of how to generate traffic for your website is to do your keyword research and create as much quality and unique content as you can for your website. Over time, Google will notice you and start sending more and more organic traffic your way.
I try to post at least 8 or more articles online each month, and my traffic is increasing over time, and so are my sales.
There is no magic button here, and it just takes time, work and consistancy. If you enjoy writing, and your niche is one that interests you, then you shouldn’t have any problems coming up with new content for your website regularly and getting those search engines ranking you well.
This is a tried and true method, and even when the search engines change their algorithms, you won’t be affected if you have great content on your website.
How To Generate Traffic For Your Website Using Social Media
This method that I am going to talk to you about today is called social media. Social media traffic is an excellent way for you to get the search engines to notice you.
In case you are not sure what social media is, it is different forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content such as videos. Social media includes sites like FaceBook, Twitter, Google + and many others.
Each time you do a post, make sure that you share it with all your social media sites. The more you do this, the more links you are getting back to your site.
I provide a plugin on my websites that allows visitors to share my content. You should see the social media buttons on this page, and you simply need to press the one of your choice and then you can share whateveer article you are reading on your own social media sites. Each time you write a post for your website, make sure to use the same buttons to share it with your social media accounts.
My favourite plugin is Social Media Feather, but WordPress has many that you can use and they are all free. They all allow you to customise which sites you want your visitor to share with on your site.
This doesn’t take more than 2 minutes to do once it is set up. Google loves social media, so this is a brilliant way to get more eyes on your website by only posting one link.
Here Is How To Generate Traffic For Your Website Using Only Wire
But, as you know, it takes a lot of time to generate traffic by visiting each one of your social media sites to promote your links individually.
There is an easier way. Simply join OnlyWire by clicking the banner and you are half way there.
Only Wire Q & A
But What Is Only Wire?
OnlyWire is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use OnlyWire to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
You only need to make one post, and Only Wire will distribute the post to all your chosen social networks.
Only Wire can be joined free of charge. This enables you to do a limited amount of postings with a limited amount of social media sites, which is fine if you have only just started in the internet marketing game. You can stay a free member for as long as you like.
As a free trail member you can have nine days to try the system out before upgrading.
There is also a paid option, which allows you:

What is a submission?
A submission also called a post, is any content or status posted to a Social Network (i.e. 1 article submitted to Twitter). If you submit a single article to 50 Networks, that would be considered 50 submissions.
Does OnlyWire handle submissions for social networking sites that require Captcha?
Yes. If you are an OnlyWire Lite, Pro or Enterprise customer, your plan includes our Captcha processing service at no extra charge.
How many submissions can I make per month?
Based on your needs, you can select a plan starting with as low as 1000 submissions per month. Our Enterprise plans start at 5,000 submissions per month and can go as high as 40,000 submissions per month or more. To view your submission history or change your plan, navigate to your account page by clicking on your username.
Do you support images and videos?
Currently, our platform does not have the capability to post images. The image that accompanies Facebook posts are pulled from your article by Facebook, not OnlyWire. We are looking to add this functionality in the future.
What is the difference between a Bookmark post and a Status post on OnlyWire?
Do I need to sign up for all supported networks?
You do not need to be signed up for all 46 networks. That said, you do need to establish accounts with networks to be able to submit content to those networks. For example, in order to post to Facebook, you need to first establish a username and password with Facebook and then enter that log in information onto your OnlyWire Network page.
How Much Does Only Wire Cost?
Click here to join OnlyWire to save oodles of time each day.

As a newbie online, im struggling to get traffic to my site and without traffic, my site is useless.
While looking for ways to try and increase traffic to my site l found your site.Only wire sounds like a good place to start and will give it a try,after all nothing to loose really.
Yep. Waiting for that organic traffic does take time and patience.
Hi there! I just created a website two months ago but haven’t got traffic yet. I am now starting to doubt if making website as business is really good. But I got hope my I read your article. Is joining the only wire free? If not how much is it?
It is free for a limited amount of submissions, which still helps, otherwise $5 a month if you take the yearly plan.
Hi Michel,
Thanks a lot – I’ve never ever heard of Only Wire but it may be a great tool to boost the reach of my Website. I’ll surely give it a try in the nearest future. Are there any other free services like this one out there? Would be great to know.
Yes that is correct. I use Only Wire each time I do a blog post. The only other one I know is HootSuite, but I think that is mainly for twitter.
I found your post very interesting and I have to say that I’ve never heard of Only Wire. It seems like a very helpful tool.
Now tell me please if I did understood well. As a free member I can have 4 social profiles, for example, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. And If I share it I have 25×4=100 submissions. Is that correct?
How many do you use and how long are you using Only Wire tool?
Thanks for sharing this with us,
Yes and I have been using Only Wire on and off for about a year.
Hi there, thanks for introducing the tool! It sounds like something every blog owner can benefit from. I have just recently setup a Facebook page for my website and I can see how I can benefit from this.
I’ll be giving it a try and see if it makes posting on social media sites easier. Thanks for the review!
Hmm, now that’s interesting. I’ve been struggling to drive more traffic to my website and this could be the thing that I need. So this OnlyWire, how does it actually work? Do I need to have an account for each of those social media channels? You mentioned that it helps me to distribute my 1 content to all of my preferred social media sites right? So is it just a plain link? What about the post descriptions and what not?
Hi Andrew,
You do need accounts at all the channels in order to distribute your messages. You type your message once and then it puts your message on all your chosen social networks. You can type and send any type of message you wish too, provided it is allowed within that specific social network.
With a free account you can only have a couple of social networks hooked up, but it still saves a lot of time.
Hi Mergie,
Thanks for sharing this post
I have my own blog and am a member of WA, i have had my site up for about 6 months now and have struggled at times to drive good targeted traffic towards my site. After reading your post i now have more of an idea of what it takes to get good traffic to your site and will definitely look at implementing some of the techniques of getting traffic that you mentioned here towards my site.
Thanks thanks for stopping by Josh and all the best with generating more traffic to your website.