This is why you need to write an ebook, and this is not only aimed at writers but at everyone out there who has ever thought to put something out there that you feel strongly about.
Writing about something you are passionate about is so rewarding, and sharing it with others will bring you wonderful fulfillment.
Why You Need To Write An Ebook
It’s not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed.
Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nations have changed since then.
The fact is that this is the perfect time to write an ebook. What the publishing industry needs are people who can tap into the world as it is today – innovative thinkers who can make the leap into the new millennium and figure out how to solve old problems in a new way.
Ebooks are a new and powerful tool for original thinkers with fresh ideas to disseminate information to the millions of people who are struggling to figure out how to do a plethora of different things.
Let’s say you already have a brilliant idea, and the knowledge to back it up that will enable you to write an exceptional ebook.
You may be sitting at your computer staring at a blank screen wondering, “Why?
Why should I go through all the trouble of writing my ebook when it’s so impossible to get anything published these days?
Well, let me assure you that publishing an ebook is entirely different than publishing a book in print.
Let’s look at the specifics of how the print and cyber publishing industry differ, and the many reasons why you should take the plunge and get your fingers tapping across those keyboards!
Submitting a print book to conventional publishing houses or agents is difficult. No matter how good your book is, or how many critique services and mentor writers have told you that “you’ve got what it takes,” your submitted manuscript keeps coming back to you as if it is a boomerang instead of a valuable mine of information.
Perhaps, in desperation, you’ve checked out self-publishing and found out just how expensive a venture it can be. Most “vanity presses” require minimal print runs of at least 500 copies, and even that amount will cost you thousands of dollars.
Some presses’ minimal run starts at 1,000 to 2,000 copies.
And that’s just for the printing and binding. Add in distribution, shipping, and promotional costs, and – well, you do the math. Even if you wanted to go this route, you may not have that kind of money to risk.
Let’s say you already have an Internet business with a quality website and a quality product. An ebook is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business while educating people with the knowledge you already possess as a business owner of a specific product or service and to me this is the main reason why you should write an e-book.
For example, let’s say that you’ve spent the last twenty-five years growing and training bonsai trees, and now you’re ready to share your knowledge and experience. An ebook is the perfect way to reach the largest audience of bonsai enthusiasts.
Ebooks will not only promote your business – they will help you make a name for yourself and your company, and establish you as an expert in your field. You may even find that you have enough to say to warrant a series of ebooks.
Specific businesses are complicated and often require the different aspects to be divided into sections for the reader to get the full story.
Perhaps your goals are more finely tuned in terms of the ebook scene. You may want to build a whole business around writing and publishing ebooks.
Essentially, if you want to start an e-business. You are thinking of setting up a website to promote and market your ebooks. Maybe you’re even thinking of producing an ezine.
One of the most prevalent reasons people read ebooks is to find information about how to turn their Internet businesses into profit-making machines. These people are looking to the writers of ebooks to provide them with new ideas and strategies because writers of ebooks are usually people who understand the new cyberspace world we now live in.
Ebook writers are experts in Internet marketing campaigns and the strategies for promoting and distributing ebooks. The cyberspace community needs its ebooks to be successful so that more and more ebooks will be written.
You may want to create affiliate programs that will also market your ebook. Affiliates can be people or businesses worldwide that will all be working to sell your ebooks. Think about this. Do you see a formula for success here?
Figure out what your subject matter is, and then narrow it down. Your goal is to aim for specificity. Research what’s out there already, and try to find a void that your ebook might fill.
What about an ebook about a wedding cake business? Or an ebook about caring for elderly pets? How about the fine points of collecting ancient pottery?
You don’t have to have three master’s degrees to write about your subject. People need advice that is easy to read and easily understood. Parents need advice for dealing with their teenagers. College students need to learn good study skills – quickly. The possibilities are endless.
After you’ve written your ebook, getting your ebook out is going to be your focus, just as it is with print books.
People will hesitate to buy any book from an author they’ve never heard of. Wouldn’t you?
The answer is simple: give it away! You will see profits in the form of promoting your own business and getting your name out. You will find affiliates who will ask you to place their links within your ebook, and these affiliates will in turn go out and make your name known. Almost every single famous ebook author has started in this way.
Another powerful tool to attract people to your ebook is to make it interactive. Invent something for them to do within the book rather than just producing pages that contain static text. Let your readers fill out questionnaires, forms, and even crossword puzzles geared to testing their knowledge on a particular subject.
Have your readers hit a link that will allow them to recommend your book to their friends and associates.
Or include an actual order form so, at the end of their reading journey, they can eagerly buy your product.
Here is some wonderful software you can look at to help you to get a professional-looking ebook.
When people interact with books, they become a part of the world of that book. The fact is just as true for books in print as it is for ebooks.
That’s why ebooks are so essential and why you need to write an ebook. Not only do they provide a forum for people to learn and make sense of their thoughts, but they can also serve to promote your business at the same time.

I found several useful tips in this post and couldn’t agree with you more that a powerful way to share knowledge is by writing an eBook. As an unknown first time author myself, your tip about giving your book away for free really resonated with me. I think this will be especially effective if you can find ways to promote your business inside the eBook and can get it into the hands of your target audience. You will have to provide links or contact information in the eBook so that interested readers can get in touch with you. Another idea that struck me in your post is the advice to provide a link in your eBook so readers can recommend the book to friends. It even gave me the idea that one may also include a link so readers can provide a book review. I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you Michel.
Thank you so much for stopping by to comment Oluseyi. Glad you found this to be useful.
Thank you Michel for a very informative post, I’ve never thought about writing an e-book but after reading your post It’s now something I know I’ve missed out on. I have a question or two about e-books, the first is how and where would I start on my journey in writing my first e-book. And secondly, is it too late to start and implement some of the tips you’ve written about?
Hi Derek,
It’s never too late, and the best way to start once you have your topic is just start writing and be consistent. This software is great if you want a more professional feel once your book is already written. Remember to let your personality shine through and you can’t go wrong.
Michel found several useful tips in this post and agreed that writing an eBook is a powerful way to share knowledge. He particularly liked the idea of giving away the eBook for free to promote a business. She also thought including links for readers to contact the author and recommend the book to others was a good idea.
Thanks for stopping by Petr. Everybody loves a freebee, so it is a great way to grow your list.