If you are wanting to write your own book, the timing has never been better, as nowadays anyone can become a self-published author, thanks to the World Wide Web. In this article, I am going to look at ways to write your first book and how to write an eBook quickly and professionally.
Writing eBooks is something a lot of marketers are doing at the moment and either selling them on platforms like Amazon and eBay or using them as bait to get people to sign up to their lists.
The main problem is that writing an eBook is really time-consuming, as there is research to be done, then the writing. Next, you need to pay somebody to design a cover for you. After that, the formatting and proofreading take another age to complete.
I do content marketing and building of websites, as well as run a full-time business, so even though I have had good intentions in this regard, I simply don’t find the time to get much further with my own eBook, even though I know it is probably the best thing to do in order to take my business to the next level.
I probably have about five or six eBook projects on the go at the moment, but I am excited as I have found a great tool that I can get them finished with finally. More about that at the end of this article.
This post does contain affiliate links.
Tips To Get Going With Your First Ebook
This is I think the best way to go about writing your eBook, and it is how I started all of mine. If you follow through, an average book with between 20 000 to 30 000 words should not take you longer than a month.
I find the first part easy, but when it comes to finishing it off, that is where I come unstuck.
Decide What Your Topic Will Be
First of all, you need to pick your topic. Make sure that you make it useful and specific. The best way to do this is to see what type of questions people are asking and take the most common one that you know a lot about. This way you can write something helpful that people are actually looking for.
If you have a list or a blog, a good idea is to ask your audience what type of topics they would like to see you cover.
Plan Your Content
You now need to plan your outline or a roadmap for your book.
This is going to be personal to your book, but you can try starting with a mindmap. Place the topic of your ebook in the center and add ideas around it as they occur to you. Try using lines and arrows to create connections. Put everything down at this stage, as you can always clean up your ideas later.
Now think backward.
Start at the end and plan it according to what you want your reader to be able to accomplish once they have finished reading your book. Now work backward – what do they need to do before that and then before that, etc.
Write a list of what chapters and major sections your book will need. Once you have the headings in place, list some key points that you need to cover under each.
Look at other eBooks to see if you are leaving out any important information from your outline.
Planning your content before you start writing will save you a heap of time, as now you will know exactly what you are going to write about and this will come in handy in how to write an eBook quickly.
Write Your eBook
This next part is going to take you the longest.
Aim to write at least 1000 – 3000 words a day, and stick to your schedule. If you stick to it, you should have your book done in a month at the most.
The best way to get writing is just to write. Don’t stop to edit, just type whatever comes into your head. You can go back and do the editing later. Until your book is finished, just focus on the writing part.
If you are a fast typer, it is going to go a lot faster for you. If you cannot type by touch, this might be a good course for you to look at to improve your speeds.
Redraft Your eBook
Once you are done with the writing, it is a good idea to put the book aside for a few days before going back over it again.
Next, go over it with fresh eyes and correct things like duplicate content and glaring mistakes.
After this process is done, go through it again with a microscope and check for punctuation, spelling mistakes, and bad grammar.
This is the Best Plagiarism Checker & Proofreader that I have found online, and you can use it for free. It will save you oodles of time, and I recommend it to any content marketer.
How To Write An eBook Quickly
Another option, if you want to publish eBooks super fast is to purchase Sqribble.
What Is Sqribble?
Sqribble is a cloud-based eBook creator tool. It allows you to create professional-looking eBooks, based on templates inside the tool, with a few clicks, saving you a huge amount of time and money. It is a godsend for eBook creators as it saves so much time.
Sqribble offers a simple way to showcase your expertise online. Ebooks are becoming increasingly popular and you can use them to make money, get noticed, and be seen as the expert in your area of interest by sharing your insights with others.
Sqribble converts your writing into professionally laid out ebooks that look great on every device, from desktop to tablet to cellphone screen. All without having a designer on hand or shelling out for expensive software packages!
The owner of Sqribble is Adeel Chowdhary.
Pricing: $67 plus upsells.
Refund Policy: 30 days if the software hasn’t been used.
My Overall Ranking: 80 / 100
Features in Sqribble to Help You Write An Ebook Quickly!
Automatic Content
You can use Sqribble to fill your book with content, so you don’t have to write a word. This is content from around the web, based on the URL you provide. You can pull content from any URL, paste it directly, extract it from a Word doc or from their own library of niche articles.
This is a HUGE time saver and a major plus for anyone who hates writing or doesn’t have time to do it. Just make sure to check the writing, as sometimes the content pulled through could be plagiarized or doesn’t make sense to read.
Call me old-fashioned, but I would prefer to use my own content here.
Drag & Drop Technology
Simply click to drag and drop content on any page! Completely customize a page layout, without any coding or design skills. This is a real bonus to me, as I hate faffing with technical stuff.
Gorgeous eCovers And Professional Looking Books
Unlike a lot of eBook cover creators I have tried, the covers and layouts that Sqribble provides are second to none. They look really professional like you paid a ton to get them designed.
Create Flipbooks Feature
This is one of my favorite features in Sqribble. You can turn your “flat” books into interactive flipbooks.
This process makes your digital book look and feel more like a real book — with pages that turn (animated like a real book page turning) and it makes the book look like something you can reach out and grab.
This is awesome because most people prefer to read a real book that they can hold in their hands. This is the next best thing.
You can simply embed your books on your website with some simple code that Sqribble generates for you once you are ready to publish.
What Else Can Sqribble Do To Help You Write An eBook Quickly?
Sqribble is a versatile tool, with tons more features I found useful, especially for those finishing touches.
For example:
- Automatic headers and footers
- Automatic table of contents
- Automatic pagination
- More than 300 font types
- Drag and drop design
- Add or delete pages in a flash
- Add in your own media
- 10 different themes to choose from
- The ability to automatically or manually add content
- You can import content from a URL
- Tools for client feedback, in case you are collaborating with clients on their eBook projects.
Why E-Book Creators Use Sqribble
- Ease of use.
- Many templates to choose from in 15 different niches.
- Automated Content Engine.
- Don’t need photoshop or any other complicated software to design stunning eBooks.
- One can click, design, and publish eBooks in minutes.
Are There Any Cons?
The only problem I had was when I purchased Sqribble there were too many upsells, but you don’t need to take any of them unless you feel you need them. If you are like me and only write the occasional book, then you won’t need anything else.
Upsell 1:
This is for Sqribble Professional and it costs $97. This version of Sqribble includes many more templates and articles, as well as the ability to open up an agency for yourself. This would suit somebody who was creating eBooks on a grand scale for themselves or designing for others.
Upsell 2:
This offer is for Sqribble Prime which costs $47 and it gives you new templates each month for a year and full commercial agency rights.
Upsell 3:
This is Sqribble Fantasia, which lets you give your books a 3D look and you can page through them like a real book. It costs $77. This was my favorite upsell and I almost took this one.
Upsell 4:
This is an auto job finder and sells for $197 and if you are wanting to find work using your new Sqribble software, this one might just tickle your taste buds.
So if you want to know how to write an eBook quickly and if you’re planning to create eBooks, reports, or Kindle books in the near future, you owe it to yourself to pick Sqribble up as it’s a tool that you’ll definitely need in your business.

Hi Michel. Very interesting article. I just started my own blog, and I am focusing on affiliate marketing, yet I have never considering writing ebook. Yet, it seems as interesting idea to diversify income and bring more potential customers to my site. Looking on your review, Sqribble software seems good way to start, and price is quite reasonable (assuming that I won’t be using upsells, but they look more for professionals). Thank you for great post
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I agree that the product is great, although the upsells can be expensive, and not really worth it unless you do a lot of publishing.
Hey Michel, I have to say that I really enjoyed reading this post. Writing an ebook or even planning to is a lot easier said than done. But this post does provide comprehensive tips and resources that aspiring writers can use to finally get started. I’ve written a really long story called Telepathic all in my journal when I was in high school and I wish I found this article when I finally completed this. What platforms would you recommend publishing ebooks? Thanks for this awesome article!
I think the easiest is through Amazon Kindle at the moment. My uncle writes novels and does quite well there.
Hi there, E-books are popular and it’s a multi-million dollar industry. As we know E-books have a global reach. You can distribute your book via global retailers and it can be an amazing source of passive income and bring in additional revenue.
E-book industry has matured over the past five years, creating different options to get your book published that match your skill level.
If you want to become a publisher, you no longer need to seek permission and sponsorship from traditional publishing companies. You can format your own E-book, upload it directly to online book stores and it could be an amazing source of passive income and bring in additional revenue.
Your recommendation Sqribble will be great fit for anybody who considers writing an E-Book but has no idea where and how to get started. Thanks for sharing this software with us. Much appreciated.
Thank you for this great free information on how to write my ebook.
I have been in search of good software that can help me with this task. With Sqribble automatic drag and drop technology, and the cover design, I will give it a trial. For the content creation, I am almost done and will finish it myself. I will be back here to share my experience with this package
Please do, and good luck with your book publishing.