Let us look at the common question of what do I need to work at home? For one, to make your home office successful, you need tools, namely a computer, email and most importantly – the right mindset.
Once you’ve made the decision to move from a traditional office setting to a home-based business, the hardest part is done, but now it is time to step into your cute slippers and actually get the work done.
Although working from home can increase your flexibility and enhance your quality of life, you will only be truly successful at a work from home job if you equip yourself with the right tools.

These tools include both the proper gear and setup, like your computer and desk. But by far, the most important tool for success will be your mental attitude.
Let’s look at getting started with what do I need to work at home.
Set A Work Schedule
Because you are not working for a boss, your schedule will be quite flexible. However, you do need to set up a schedule for yourself. If you are a mornings person and like getting up at the crack of dawn, Wow good for you. You can get the hard stuff done early.
If you are a late starter, then working into the early evening might be more your thing. The point is, just as you would a regular office, you need to have set hours of operation at home.
They can vary, and they will, but for clients to take you seriously, you need to be available at a set time every day.
Another perspective is to limit the number of working hours in your day. Some have a tendency to keep going since they only have a 30-second commute to the office, but eventually, this can also hinder your productivity because it is the quickest route to burnout.
At the time you designate, you need to shut off the computer, close the office door and walk away until the next business day.
Have A To-Do List and Tackle The Toughest Jobs First
The next step is to set realistic goals daily and do what it takes to achieve them. It’s not always going to be the easiest or most fun thing to do, but you have to accomplish all aspects of your business to enjoy the success you crave.
A good idea is to prioritize, then do the worst task first thing in the day while you are still fresh. You may surprise yourself and complete the daunting task in record time, leaving ample time for the tasks that you enjoy.
If you need a great tool to help you with this aspect of your business, try Simpleology.
Gear Up
It is important to have a place to work with lots of natural light, some office furniture, equipment and plenty of storage so that you can locate and maintain your files easily.
You will obviously need a reliable computer and a high-speed internet connection. This is a necessity to stay linked with the outside world.
See more here on how to set up your office space.
Although face to face communication is ideal, email can help you streamline your communications and keep you instantly in touch with key leaders and your expanding customer base.
Here are some more ‘what do I need to work at home’ essentials:
- Dedicated phone line or a landline
- An internet connection as mentioned above, preferably high speed
- Transcription software, depending on what type of work you are doing
- Webcam – this is great for teaching from home
- Printer and scanner
- Smartphone or Ipad
- Desk
- Good quality office chair
- In and out baskets to keep yourself organized
- File storage and cupboard space as mentioned above
- A quiet and distraction free place to work
- A live plant, which is great for purifying the air that you breathe.
Examples Of Essential Office Equipment That Can Be Bought Online
Simply click on the picture to find out more about the product.
Limit Distractions
One of the biggest hurdles in a home based business is avoiding those ever present distracitons.
This is where it is crucial to consider your computer and desk set up. Choose a clutter free location away from the high traffic areas of your home. That way if anyone else is home during your workday, you will be less likely to be distracted.
A well-lit spare room away from a bed of the kitchin is ideal.
Preferably, your office will also have a door you can close to shut out the noise and non-business activity.
Phone calls can also present significant distractions. It’s helpful to make sure you have a separate line for business and to let calls on your home line go to voicemail during the day.
With that said, it’s often better not to answer every business call or email immediately as it arrives, especially if youre in the middle of one or your prioritized taskes.
Frequently, it takes less time to address an issue from a voicemail rather than chitchatting with someone for 20 minutes before they get to their reason for calling.
Many people find that using today’s high-tech gadgets frees them up to be more mobile. After all, isn’t that really one of the best things about running your own home based business? A smartphone is well worth the investment if it unchains you from your desk.
Enjoy Your Freedom
Last but not least, make sure you budget some time into your working day to enjoy your freedom. Some of the primary benefits of working from home are the flexibility and improved quality of life you can enjoy.
But you need to be diligent about allowing yourself the well deserved time off.
When you’ve finished with that big project, set aside time for an afternoon at the movies, a spa treatment or even a few hours reading on the couch as a reward.
Take that relaxation time, as it is your reward for a job well done.
So that is it for ‘what do I need to work at home.’ If you have anything else to add please comment below.

Hi Michel,
Thank you for writing such a great post about working from home, I like the way that your content really focuses the mind on the fundamentals of working from home, from starting off with the right equipment all the way to setting a schedule in a clutter free location.
I notice that you didn’t focus too much on how to make money working from home on the computer, was that deliberate?
Really well written, thank you.
Thanks for stopping by Fintan. In this article, I focused on what you need to work at home. There are many articles on this website that will tell you how to make money or how I make money from home on my computer.
This article is great. I never really thought too much about the environment to working at home. But it’s a great point. This is your place of business and it should have everything a business office should have.
An excellent point is the distractions. Working at home is filled with distractions, from the TV to people being at home. You need a nice space where you can get away and concentrate.
Thanks for all the equipment suggestions. My personal favorite is the chair. You need comfort, but you don’t need to be falling asleep on the couch! Love the article, thanks!!
Hi. Very informative post. I am a teacher and it is well known that teaching is not a 7 to 3 job but never ending. The most of us have to have a home office. This is a great guideline we can use as well because time is precious to us as well. You must be able to shut that door and have the me and family time as well.
They say a teachers job is never done, so it is important to have a space at home that you can work uninterrupted.
It is always difficult to enforce this rule though when you have young children.