Here are some great ways to overcome procrastination, because face it, we are all guilty of doing it, more often than we’d like to admit.
Procrastination may not be just about turning in your school project at the last minute. It may also be about putting off important life decisions like whether or not you should ask your boss for that raise he promised last month, or whether you or not you should join a gym, leave your boyfriend or even have a baby.
If you don’t start learning ways to overcome procrastination, you’ll have to deal with procrastination your whole life which may have a negative effect on your relationships, career, and even your personal health.
The thought process behind procrastination is that we believe there ís always tomorrow, so why not just steer clear of the stress and anxiety and just put it off until later.
This is the first thing you need to tackle when it comes to ways to overcome procrastination. It won’t be easy, but try to figure out what the stress factor is behind your procrastination. It could be fear of failure, fear of confrontation, or even the fear of not being perfect.
Just remember that you are your own worst critic.
You will tend to judge your own flaws and imperfections way too harshly. Yet studies show that when you forgive yourself for putting things off or not getting things done as perfectly as you would’ve liked, it can actually help fend off procrastination. Just remember to set yourself realistic goals before you give yourself a hard time.
Sometimes we tend to bite off more than we can chew, then we go off the deep end because the end result wasn’t anywhere what we had envisioned.
How To Overcome Procrastination
Follow these tips and ways to overcome procrastination for once and for all.
Turn Burdensome Tasks Into Habits
We all have enough willpower to get about 3 or 4 tasks done each day.
Habits use other parts of our brain rather than the prefrontal cortex which is associated with rational thinking. So, when you train yourself to do something out of habit, rather than look at it as a mundane task, you think about it less which means you’re using less willpower and you won’t fall into the procrastination rut.
Things like brushing your teeth or making your bed have all become daily habits which you automatically perform without even considering putting them off. Why not turn healthy eating, daily exercise, or turning in reports ahead of time into daily habits as well?
After that, it becomes easier, but you still have to keep yourself motivated and inspired. Procrastination is all about taking that dreaded first step. So why not ease into it with the knowledge that after a certain amount of time, or once I’ve finished X, I can watch videos on YouTube or go get a cup of coffee.
Make it pleasant for yourself because the reward is the part that the brain assimilates to gauge your enjoyment level. If you’re happy, then your brain slowly turns this task into a habit which you look forward to, instead of something you dread on a daily basis.
Remove Distractions
Checking your email every 5 minutes isn’t doing you any good. So, once you’ve committed to doing the job, limit distractions by turning off email and FaceBook.
There are actually apps that help you stay on track, but some will say that’s completely missing the point. I use BeFocused.
The important thing is that you set up a certain time for checking emails or your social media, and once you’ve started your task, you avoid the urge to take a sneak peak.
Another serious distraction is multi-tasking. Even though it may seem that you’re being productive, the truth is it’s a complete waste of time and energy.
Think about it, it takes your brain about 20 minutes to completely focus on one task and give it 100%, and then you bring in another task which means you decrease your focus level by half, bring in a third task and the focus drops even lower. So even though you’re working more, your end results will be below average.
Break Work Tasks Into Chunks
Instead of cleaning out the entire garage, do the right side first, take a break, then do the left side, take a break, then finish off the rest.
At work, big tasks may seem daunting when you look at them as a whole. The answer? Break it down into smaller tasks. Make an outline of the entire project, and then divide it up into smaller tasks.
Working in 30-minute increments also helps break down tasks into smaller chunks which are manageable and not so intimidating.
After the 30 minutes, take a break and assess your work. Seeing how much you’ve accomplished will give you that boost of confidence you need to keep at it.
Work During Your Peak Hours
We all have certain times during the day when we’re most alert. Some of us are morning people, some are night owls, and some have more energy during the afternoon hours. Find out what your peak hours are and tackle your most difficult tasks then. You’ll be more productive then, with your brain working at its maximum capacity.
Procrastination is different than being lazy because when you procrastinate, you delay doing something for a more pleasurable task. So why not turn that mundane task you’re dreading into something more fun and enjoyable, and kill off the urge to procrastinate?
“The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.”
Robert Browning
Please comment below if these ways to overcome procrastination and be more productive have helped you in any way or if you have anything left to add.

I just love what you said about turning tasks into habits, you are so right. One thing that I try to do each day is start my day facing the worst tasks that way it is over and done with early and I can spend the rest of my day doing the things that I really enjoy. It makes a big difference.
You are right on the button there Lynne. If you get the stuff you hate over with early while you still have the energy to deal with it, then the day just works out a whole lot better.
This article is written for me 🙂 I am a huge procrastanator and it’s something I’ve been trying to work on for many years since I was young. It also really drags me down all day long when I’m trying to have some work done.
This is very important issue that many people go through, Thanks for sharing with us some light on how to deal with it and become more proactive.
Glad to be of assistance with some ways to overcome procrastination Andrea.
Procrastination is the number one killer of time. I used to procrastinate most of the time and when I had an important task to do, I just kept myself busy with some unimportant task. Removing distractions and creating long-term habits helped me a lot but what really changed me was the power of deadline.
For me, deadline is the most important procrastination killer and what I do now is to always set deadlines for my most important tasks.
You are right Albert, there is nothing like setting a deadline to get you going with that dreaded task.
Wow,This is really a life changing article. I procrastinate so much that it has become part of my life. I know its wrong but I just find myself doing it but thanks to your words I now know why, am afraid of confrontation and challenging situations. I will really have to work on this if I want to succeed. Thank you for your wise words and be sure I will be back for more.
Thanks for stopping by Larry and hope this article is able to help you overcome procrastination long term.
Surely, procrastination is much like cancer, you don’t see it coming and when its finally on you, its a pure distraction.
Of the 4 ways of solving procrastination you listed, I only have problem with two of them, 1. Removing distractions and working during my peak hours.
Most of the time I find myself using my cell phone at the middle of my work, I will have to deal with that first.
My peak hour is from 2 am till late morning, but I have big problem when I sleep, I don’t usually wake up and when I wake up I do much better around that time of the day because it will be so quite.
Thank you so much for a great article
You must be like me, a night owl or rather a morning owl. I often wake up early hours and can’t fall asleep again. Now I use that time constructively and get up and do some work, as there are no distractions at that time of the morning and you get far more done.
The only problem is that by 2pm you feel like you need a nap.
Hey there! Thanks for these tips on how to overcome procrastination. It is something I used to suffer with but I realized that it was because I wasn’t living my life to the fullest and a lot of the things I was doing was because other people wanted me to do them. Now I do what I want and I find that I procrastinate less and get things done. I hope that these tips help others beat procrastination as well.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the comment Marinda, and glad to hear you have sorted through your procrastination issues.
If you can do as you suggest and change your habits and mindset you can over come procrastination. It’s rather sad that a person may have talent but no motivation to fulfill their potential.
I do like your concept of doing things in 30 minute blocks and then taking a short break. Having a to do list with 3 to 4 things I find helps to get things done, whatever else I do in that day after my to list is a bonus.
Do you think sleeping patterns have anything to do with procrastination?
Could be, because if you don’t sleep well you are too tired to function correctly.