Why on earth would we need tips to boost productivity?
Whether you are a busy Mom, an Entrepreneur, or you work for a company, we all need ways to boost our own productivity.
Wouldn’t it be a dream come true to end each workday with time on your hands, everything finished and the feeling that you even have a head start on tomorrows work?
Here are some tips to boost productivity that you can use to manage your time better and teach yourself to be more productive during the day.
It all about learning to manage your time wisely and efficiently, and if you can get into the habit of managing your workload and time better and your time better, you will have a much better relationship with your work and your stress levels.
6 Tips To Boost Productivity
Stay Organized
Keeping everything in its place will save a lot of time searching for things. This is one of those tips to boost productivity that you can’t ignore, and it is a greatly underrated productivity booster.
Keeping everything around you organized will save you lots of energy and time in the long run. It will also make your workspace look neater and better to look at it which is a major stress-buster.
Get It Done Before 11 am
In an effort to maintain a high level of productivity throughout the day, try picking 5 things you can get done before 11 am. The trick is to do the most in the morning when you are the most alert and have the most energy.
Choose things to do that will boost your sense of accomplishment and output.
Breaking things down reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed and lost under files, notes, and deadlines. Remember that to do lists are actually a good thing. You can cross tasks off as you go for a real sense of accomplishment.
Go For A Walk
Instead of eating lunch at your desk, scrunched over more paperwork, go for a walk outside. Getting some fresh air will help you clear your head, give you some perspective and a more positive outlook.
A change of scenery will do wonders for your creative juices. If you absolutely can’t leave your work area, go for a walk indoors. Studies prove that going for a walk, even a short one, can boost your efficiency by 60%.
Quit All That Multitasking
Some people think that juggling multiple things at once means getting things done faster.
Actually, studies have found that multitasking could do more harm than good because you’re not giving each task the time and effort it deserves.
Distractions like that impact negatively on the quality of your work, and leave you feeling drained, stressed and frazzled. Try giving each task enough time to complete it before moving onto something else.
Give Yourself Self-Imposed Deadlines
In general, the word ‘deadline’ is enough to give most people heart palpitations, headaches, dizzy spells.
If you are the one setting the deadline for yourself, you won’t feel the pressure in a negative way. But, on the other hand, you will feel obligated to respect the deadline you’ve set for yourself.
We are generally creatures of habit, so go easy on yourself at first. The point is to acknowledge that you have a set time in which to complete a task, after which you will be held accountable for your work by yourself.
When you do meet your specified deadline, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward for getting the job done on time.
Beautify Your Surroundings
Attractive furniture and office decor, such as candles, plants, vases, and photos are not only pleasing to look at, but they can turn a plain and boring space into something both beautiful and functional with an added personal touch.
Believe it or not, these small touches can also help to increase productivity, as studies show, by up to 15%.
Choose whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable, as long as they meet office regulations. By surrounding yourself with things that are aesthetically pleasing, you will be boosting your own production rate, creative outlet, along with your ability to focus on the task at hand.
I cannot end this post on tips to boost productivity without mentioning that boosting productivity means working smarter, not harder.
At all costs, you need to resist the temptation to stuff your calendar with more work-related commitments or put in longer hours at the office. This is the fastest way to burn yourself out.