Reasons To Make Your Own Blog Site
Wondering why on earth you need to make your own blog site? This is why –
- Make your own blog for fame!
- Blogging helps your business to grow
- Blogging brands you
- Having your own blog helps you to stand out from the crowd
- Blogging can eventually earn you a full-time income (believe it or not)
Here are some more reasons to make your own blog site:
- Blogging is one of the most popular things that people create online.
- Blogging can serve as an emotional outlet for some people by writing about their feelings.
- A Blog can serve as a website that can let people tell their original short fiction or non-fiction stories, and it can also serve as a website for advertising something you are selling.
- You could also start a family blog with photo’s and stories to share with loved ones.
- Some people use a blog as a diary.
- You can sell virtually anything on a blog site.
Indeed, blogging does bring fame. In fact, there have been quite a few people who blogged and became famous because of it.
How Can I Make My Own Blog?
As a business owner, you will definitely want to make your own blog to use as a tool for your marketing. In fact, you will see that a lot of businesses today are now using blogs and websites as an advertising tool that can definitely help in raking in the profits and attracting more people to buy from them.
Whatever products you are selling, you will be able to find innovative ways to write about it in blog form. Whether you are a car salesman, an insurance salesman, or an affiliate marketer, you will be able to bring out the best benefits of your products through the use of blogs.
There are many free platforms that one can use to start a blog with ease including and All you need to do is sign up and follow the directions to start your blog. These sorts of sites are ideal if you want to start a blog for fun or as a sort of outlet for yourself.
However, if you want a blog that will eventually be a business online for you, then you may want to start off building a WordPress blog.
A WordPress blog will be yours to do as you please, and you have more freedom than the other platforms.
If you need free hosting for your WordPress Blog, as well as great training on how to get it up and running, you can try WA free and have your blog set up and ready to go five minutes from now. Read more about WA here.
How To Sell Stuff On Your Blog Site
If you are looking to selling something, a blog or website is the perfect place to do it.
The key to marketing on blog websites is to pre-sell the product you are trying to sell. You need to let people find out about it before they actually buy the product. By doing this, you will be able to achieve success.
So, how can you pre-sell your products through blogs?
All you need to do is make a great blog about the product that is informative, easy to read, and entertaining.
Also, the technique used by most successful marketers in writing blogs is that they never aggressively sell the product telling the customer that they should buy this and that.
A successful blog will get your potential customers to think like they need to buy the product because they want it and not because you told them to.
So, how can you do this?
As mentioned before, never aggressively sell the product on your blogs.
Instead, try telling a story about the product as if you are the customer.
First, tell them a little something about the product, then tell them what it did for you and what benefits you got out of using the product, and lastly, you have to tell them that you are crazy about the product and that you always buy it. Provide as much information and interesting facts that will keep your potential customers returning to your blog.
If you believe in your product, then this shouldn’t be a problem for you as your enthusiasm will shine through.
When writing blogs, you have to convince your readers by telling them what they will gain by using the product. Put yourself in their shoes and think about how the product will solve their particular problem.
This is how you make readers believe.
You have to be one of them. You should never be only a seller but also a regular person just like them who loves to use the product and is recommending it for everyone to use.
The best part about blogging is that you don’t really need to work too hard in marketing your product.
Once you have written about the product, your visitors who come along and read about it will purchase the product from you if you answer all their questions.
If they enjoy using the product, word of mouth will mean that you get advertising for free, and they could refer others to your blog to purchase the product.
Always remember that recommendations by fellow customers are the best type of advertising that you can get. It’s better than TV ads as well as advertising on billboards.
Just remember to update your blogs at least once every week. This way, people will be able to have something more to read and you can gather even more loyal readers and customers.
As you can see, blogging can bring fame and fortune. Just stick with it and watch your results grow over time.
If you are looking for the easiest way to build a quality blog, and some great training, read this. There is no better time than right now to make your own blog.

I have always wanted to start a blog. I am going to look at all these options and see which one best suits me.
I tried WordPress once before but couldn’t get my head around it. Maybe the training will help me.
Hello Michel, I thoroughly enjoined reading your article. Writing has always been a challenge for me. It’s not that I can’t do it, rather I tend to write “at people” instead of “with people”. I hope you understand the point I’m trying to make?
It’s taken me some time to re-train my brain and write in a way that keeps people engaged and as a result gains their trust. Your suggestion about writing a “story” or writing a blog post as if it were a story will help me significantly.
Do you have a recommendation for the most effective length for a blog post?
Hi Glenn,
There are no set rules here, but the longer posts definitely seem to rank better in the long run. I always try and write posts as close to 1000 words as possible. Some are longer and some are shorter, but sometimes the shorter ones rank well too.
Good luck with your writing and another tip, when you write, think of how the person that you are writing for is feeling and what questions he or she will ask.
Hello Michel,
Great article and thanks for clarification on what blogging really is.
I have a website but I never really considered it a blog, it’s a joggers baby stroller website, so I do educate and inform my readers on the different jogging strollers on the market today, but I also have affiliate links in case they want to purchase.
I like that you said we have to keep updating our blog or articles weekly with new information, I am working on that I ranked in google 4 days after starting my website, and didn’t even know it this is a new experience for me, I enjoyed this article, so continue with the post so we can get more insight on blogging.
Hi Cynthia,
Well done on ranking so quickly. You obviously chose the right niche to blog about.
Now just keep working on your blog to get even better rankings and more visitors, and over time you will be making a tidy profit.
Hi Michel,
Thank you for sharing the benefits for owning a blog. I have had an affiliate website for a while but it doesn’t perform well. My main obstacles are writers block and copywriting. How can l overcome writing block and improve on my copywriting skills?
Can you suggest any good copywriting course or l outsource them to ghost writer? I’m in a dilemma.
Your reply is appreciated.
Best Wishes.
Hello Nax,
If you are writing about something that you are passionate about, you should have no problems sharing information on the topic. Writer’s block does happen to all of us from time to time, but take inspiration by looking at other niches similar to yours and get ideas on what to write about.
You could always hire a writer off of Fiver, but I would suggest writing your own articles in the beginning, as the more you do it the better you become at it.
Hello Michel,
Great article, thanks for clarification on what blogging really is , I have a website but I never really considered it a blog, its a joggers baby stroller website, so I do educate and inform my readers on the different jogging strollers on the market today, but I also have affiliate links in case they want to purchase, I like that you said we have to keep updating our blog or articles weekly with new information, I am working on that I ranked in google 4 days after starting my website, and didn’t even know it this is a new experience for me, I enjoyed this article, so continue with the post so we can get more insight on blogging.