How to get the best Search Engine Ranking is one of the most widely discussed and debated about subjects with internet marketers and entrepreneurs worldwide.
Marketers all need to work on getting the best Search Engine Ranking that they possibly can, as this will eliminate the need to pay to get traffic to their sites.
However, marketers should avoid only working on this aspect of their internet business, as nothing is guaranteed with SEO. The search engines are constantly changing their rules and regulations. Lots of marketers make the mistake of spending all their time on SEO, and not enough time on other methods of driving traffic.
Getting The Best Search Engine Ranking
One of the most important aspects of getting your website the best Search Engine Ranking possible is definitely choosing the right keywords and using them correctly within your website. This is something that never changes in the search engines, and as long as you don’t spam your keyword and your content makes sense, it makes all the sense in the world to do your keyword research and use your keywords effectively within your posts.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when putting your website together.
Choosing Keywords:
When looking for keywords you can use a tool like Jaaxy to get some great ideas. You can read more about Jaaxy by clicking here.
The best thing to start doing is to type a one-word phrase that is related to your niche. The keyword tool should then give you loads of other ideas about which long and short-tailed keywords are being searched for on the Search Engines.
Keywords can be anything from two to five words long and sometimes longer. Check the KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator), which is an indicator of the competition for that particular keyword.
There also needs to be a good number of searches every month for the keyword in question. Keywords are very important to get the best search engine ranking possible. If possible, your domain name should have your main keyword somewhere in it and you will get a better ranking over time.
Your web page is broken up into three main sections, Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords, meta means about. If you use these titles correctly, you will be sure to get the best search engine ranking possible.
Meta Title:
This is the blue title that appears when you do a search on Google. Ideally, you should make this title 8 – 12 words long, but better too few words than too many. Use your main keyword phrase in the title and include some punctuation. It should read like a sentence for better effect.
Meta Description:
This won’t show on your actual web page but will be in HTML code on your site. It will also appear as the description of your page on the search engine search. This should ideally be 20 – 25 words long and in sentence format.
It is a good idea to take a couple of sentences off of your website. Try to include all three of your keyword phrases in this description.
Meta Keywords:
In your meta keywords tag, just place your 3 keyword phrases. Don’t try and spam by adding lots of the same keyword phrases, as it will just hurt your ranking.
This method used to work and was used a lot in the past, but now your page ranking will be negatively affected if you do this.
Note well that each page on your website should have different meta information. Don’t just copy and paste the same information onto each page, as this will just hurt your rankings.
It’s All About Content
Search Engines today are focusing more and more on the content of your actual page in order to get you the best search engine ranking. The more great content you have on your website, the more your search engine rankings will climb.
Remember each post on your website can have a different keyword and all your pages should have a link to one of your other related pages on your site to provide your readers with continuity. The search engines love this and readers stay on your website longer if they have other related information that they can also read about.
Remember to put in headings to organize your page and break it up into sections. Be sure to use your keyword phrases in the headings and first paragraph.
Name your images with keywords so that the search engine can recognize what it is, as search engines do not read images very well.
Also, add an alt tag which is an HTML tag to your image. To avoid being flagged for spamming, only use each keyword in two alt tags, but this is a good way to make you more relevant than your competition.
A great way to rank for many different phrases is to find some keywords that are related to what you are writing about, and then using them all at least twice within your content.
There are two main factors to getting the best search engine ranking. One is building your site properly with relevant keywords, and most importantly, fresh and relevant content that will help your readers find what they are looking for.
Make sure to fill your website with great content and do so often. The more relevant and unique content that you have on your site, the more Google and other search engines will start to notice you. This can bring your overall rankings up over time.
Use A Plugin To Get The Best Search Engine Ranking
If you have a website on WordPress, I strongly urge you to download an SEO Plugin to help you get the most out of all your posts.
I use Yoast. It is easy to use, tells you if your keyword features enough and checks things like Meta Descriptions, Titles and Keywords for you automatically. It also alerts you if your writing is not up to scratch.
There are also others like All In One SEO and Jetpack, but after trying them all, my favorite is definitely Yoast.