If you do any sort of internet marketing, then you are going to need your own website, and here is why all internet marketers should have their own website.
- All internet marketers should have their own website to improve their credibility as an internet marketer and as a person.
- A website with a domain name that you own gives you the freedom to present and emphasize the information in the way you want to.
- You can send e-mail using your chosen domain name.
Makes your training information and tips easily available to your affiliates. This also helps to keep them motivated.
- Adding your own content on a regular and continued basis also will likely get you noticed by the search engines. You can use articles your affiliates submit, providing exposure for them, along with a link back to their personal Website.
- You can set up a page to attractively frame your favorite Money Making Opportunities
- Allows you to offer more training options for your team with ebooks, software, and special reports in downloadable form.
- Providing an RSS feed from your site can let you deliver your sales or training messages without needing someone’s e-mail address, thereby expanding your reach to prospective customers.
- Setting up a form on your Web page allows you to collect visitors’ names and e-mail addresses. Set the form to post the information to your Autoresponder or a database on your site. Check with your Web host for instructions on setting this up.
- You can set up a page for exchanging relevant links to other Websites. This could help you improve your search engine rankings, which would then increase the traffic arriving at your site.
- With your own Website, you could then join Traffic Swarm and other traffic exchanges for some free traffic.
- By copy/pasting some code, you can set up a Web page to redirect to another page, letting you “hide” long, awkward links with affiliate numbers that’ are often rejected by many search engines and advertising places.
- You can provide helpful FAQs for your team members, providing a simple page in which to direct your new affiliates for questions.
- Adding audio, video, and other multimedia content can improve the attractiveness and effectiveness of your offer.
- Creating and maintaining your own Website allows you to learn more about and become more comfortable with today’s technology. As you grow more confident with running your own site and online business, you can pass this valuable knowledge on to others.
- As you learn more about setting up an online business and Website, you can then sell your skills in the form of helping others to set up their websites.
A good place to start with owning your own website is right here:
The above platform is free for as long as you like and builds you a site on WordPress, which is a great excuse to use on why all internet marketers should have their own website.
Once you have more experience and have built up your website a bit, you can always go onto the Premium version to get more training and benefits. You can read more about this right here.