If you take the time to write a blog post, you obviously want people to actually read it, right? Well here are some tips on how to write a successful blog post that people will actually read.
How To Write A Blog Post For WordPress
If you want to know how to write a blog post for WordPress, then the rules are more or less the same as writing a normal article for a paper or school essay. The only main difference is to make a WordPress article more visually appealing by adding more images and having shorter paragraphs.
The reason for this is that people visiting a website simply scan through information quickly, so you need to make it easier to find what they are looking for.
Writing a blog post for WordPress is easy otherwise, as WordPress has a wonderful word processing interface, so you can do all sorts of fancy things with your text, like headings of different sizes, content in different colours, etc. Just as you would on any word processing package.
I use Site Content to write all my blog posts and publish them all straight from there into my WordPress Blog.
All members of Wealthy Affiliate have free use of Site Content.
As a blogger, your aim is to keep your reader’s interest and to get them to actually read your post. The ideal thing to do is to try and capture their attention in the first 2 to 3 seconds of reading the blog post.
In other words, you need to know your audience and target your writing to exactly what they are searching for.
The only way you can make sales on your blog is to keep peoples interest and make them want to read your blog posts. This means writing helpful and valuable information that relates to what your readers are searching for.
Writing brilliant content is your choice. You can choose to put in the time and effort needed to create great content, or you can choose to take the easy road out and write poor quality content – a path that ultimately will get you nowhere, as none of the Search Engines will rank you, and you would have just wasted your time.
The path for content marketers and bloggers is clear. In order to boost SEO rankings, gain traffic and/or leads, you need to have great content on your blog or website.
Search engines over the last few years have become so sophisticated they are almost human. You cannot fool them anymore with keyword stuffing or bad content.
If you write your own original content, search engines will help your site to get more exposure.
Remember that you don’t need to be an expert writer. Just imagine you are talking to a friend. Write in a conversational and friendly tone. Practise makes perfect, and the more you do it, the better you get at it.
I for one cringe when I read some of the old blog posts that I wrote when I first started my website. My writing now is just so much better.
Google (which is the top search engine) has made it plain that they do not like and will penalize websites with duplicate content.
In other words, Google will reward high-quality sites. So not only does great content make for a better website, but it also improves your site’s rankings, which can have a very positive impact on your business.
The better your ranking, the more visitors you get, and the more visitors you get, the better your sales will be.
How To Write A Successful Blog Post
Here are a few simple rules for getting that successful blog post nailed:
- Write a compelling headline.
- Keep your paragraphs small.
- Use bullet points where necessary.
- Add interesting and relevant images to your blog post.
- Use headings and different colours to add interest to your blog post.
- Use black writing on a black background to make it easier to read your text.
- Using well-researched keywords, to make sure that your blog is found in the first place, and then eventually well ranked in the search engines.
- Make your heading and tag line exciting, so that it makes your visitor want to read more.
- It helps to add video and pictures to a blog to make it easier to understand.
- Always do your keyword research before writing an article and optimize all your content so that it is Search Engine Friendly.
- Have a call to action so that your readers know what to do next. My call to action on this post is to ask for comments.
If you would like to see some more training on how to write a blog post for WordPress simply click here to watch a very helpful video. It is called Creating Readable Content that Counts.
If you have any more tips on how to write a successful blog post for WordPress, please feel free to comment below.