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Program Review of easyhits4u.com
In this article, I am going to look at the easyhits4u Traffic Exchange. I have been a member of this site for a number of years now and I would like to tell you about all the pros and cons.
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Easy Hits 4 U Review
Type of Program: Manual Traffic Exchange
Owner: Absolutely No Idea
Experience: This Traffic Exchange has been going for over 16 years.
Timer: 15 Seconds and 20 seconds depending on credit ratio
Price: No Charge, Unless you upgrade or purchase credits
Commissions: 10% – 20% depending on membership level
Ease of Use: Very Good
Design: All the Latest Features, and it is an active site with continual upgrades
Would I Recommend: Yes and No!
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As you most probably know by now, I am not a big fan of surfing sites, as most of them are a waste of time, but this is one that I have kept my membership to over the years, as it is active and has many members visiting every day.
It takes up time as a free member to surf sites each day to keep your site rotating through the system and time is money for me, so it works out better to buy credits or upgrade with these sorts of sites.
Because of the number of members in Easy Hits 4 U, this is one of the worthwhile traffic exchanges to join if you are looking for advertising that is affordable.
However, I do not recommend exchanging this type of traffic with the type of traffic you get with PPC marketing or traffic from your website, as most people on the site are just surfing to get credits for their own sites and are not really interested in what you have to offer.
If you want to be successful with traffic exchanges, you will need to have an eye-catching splash page, and preferably one that captures your visitor’s email addresses so that you can contact them again later.
If you do choose to surf, the site is super quick and you can earn credits and even prizes in no time at all.
Easy Hits 4 U is easy to use, easy to navigate and easy to earn credits, although a bit time-consuming. This is one of the few traffic exchanges that I have remained a member of for many years, as I have had mixed results by using them.
Just remember that traffic exchanges, in general, bring you what I call low-quality traffic.
How Does easyhits4u Traffic Exchange Work?
On the easyhits4u Traffic Exchange, you can advertise different offers via links, banner ads, and text ads. They offer both free and paid services, meaning that you can get free traffic to your website or you can pay for it.
If you choose to go the free route you are going to have to invest time into this, as I mentioned above, but if you pay you can just buy traffic without really spending any substantial amount of time surfing.
When you advertise with this traffic exchange your ads are displayed to other members on the site who are doing the same thing as you. Basically how it works is you view other people’s ads and they view your ads. It’s basically an exchange of traffic, that’s all.
Easy Rotator
Withing the easyhits4u Traffic Exchange, you can manage, host and track your site rotators for free. Create and submit your rotator link to any program of your choice, and you are able to manage all of your links directly from EasyHits4U.

I have my sites, in the form of banners and text ads, rotating here on autopilot, and I have seen some good stats, in comparison to other surf sites. It is super active which also helps for your advertising.
Easy Splash Builder
Here you can build yourself some eye-catching pages to advertise your sites with. We all know that splash pages work a lot better in advertising than conventional home pages of what you are promoting.
So experiment with some different splash pages and see which one converts the best for you.
Easy Hits 4 U makes the building of these splash pages simple.
This feature allows you to advertise only to specific locations in the world. So if you don’t want your ads to show to a certain demographic, you can state this.
Promote Anything
You can literally promote anything on this site your heart desires, with a few exceptions. I would, however, recommend you stick to make money from home type programs or advertising programs as these tend to do better in these types of sites.
Earn Bonuses And Rewards
There is a section of the website dedicated to earning bonuses and rewards for doing simple tasks like subscribing to youtube videos. If this is your thing you may have fun.
How Much Does An Upgrade Cost?
In a nutshell, I wouldn’t spend too much of my precious time surfing on this site. Although it can bring you significant traffic, the conversion rates are quite low. If you need traffic rather purchase it and spend your time building your own online business instead as I do with Wealthy Affiliate.
Easy Hits 4 U is one of the best traffic exchanges out there if you want a decent one to join though.
If you want to learn how to get free traffic to your website in a sustainable way that lasts, then I would suggest taking a look at the Wealthy Affiliate program. This program also offers a free membership and teaches you how to get free traffic from search engines, like Google, which is what I do to make money online.