Are you ready to write your first blog post? The content of your blog is an important factor in gaining traffic and acquiring a target audience. Publishing your first article or item is a great milestone in your blogging career.
Here are several basic guidelines for when you write your first blog post, which can make your content more effective to your audience, adored by the search engines and respected by the world of blogging.
Write Your First Blog Post And Publish Effective Content
Before you begin to write anything on your blog, you should know who your target audience is and what they want.
If you see these factors as irrelevant for your blog because your blog is not business oriented in any way, you must remember that if you want readers then these factors are really relevant. You can read more about this on how to plan a blog.
Always remember that where there are readers there is something interesting to read. The only reason why people read is that they want something or they want to satisfy their curiosity.
If you really want to achieve some kind of massive readership, you must strive to make your content interesting and actually what the readers that you are targeting want.
Of course, you will have to make sure that the content you write will be picked up by the search engines which is why it is a good idea to learn how to do SEO.
Keep in mind that communication is the key and your communication must be authentic.
The time when you publish your content is also the time when you let your true self surface. Blogs are personal in nature and communication is the key to being personal. The fact that each blog is unique is because each writer is unique. This is enough for you to know that you don’t have to worry about future similarities with other blogs. Keep in mind that whatever topic you are blogging about you must incorporate your personality into your writing.
In order to create a loyal target audience, it is important for the visitors to trust you and relate to you. It does not necessarily entail that they know about your personal details but you must connect with your audience in a personal way.
After establishing communication with your audience, the content must also be credible. The blog must have authenticity even though credibility takes a lot of time to build.
The moment you begin publishing your content, which is of high value and useful to the readers, you also start establishing your authority. There will come a time when your readers ask you for advice or seek for your opinion; this is the time when you have achieved some kind of credibility and you must use this to build your reputation as a blogger.
Blogger’s Block
Blogging is writing but it uses a different medium. There are several methods to fight bloggerís block. Always remember that your blog software exists to serve you and not to frighten you. You do not have to try blogging carrying the idea that you have prolific writing skills or a journalism degree. The fact is that you have something to say and you want others to hear it. However, if you are feeling stuck on an idea, there are several suggestions that you can apply when creating the content for your blog.
Firstly, you can try visiting other blogs. Visit those blogs that interest you and pick ideas and topics from those blogs that might be worth blogging about but keep in mind the relevance of the topic and your readership. You can also syndicate your news updates.
You can do this by subscribing to news services online because they allow you to save time on searching using keywords. This is most useful for bloggers.
Yahoo Answers is a great source that I often use when I get Blogger’s Block. You can visit and see what sort of questions people are asking within your niche. Some of the questions will be article worthy and you can write articles on answers to what people are asking.
The Writing
It is also very important how you present your content on your blog.
Keep your writing easy to read and your paragraphs short. There is nothing worse than trying to wade through a big block of writing that has no spaces in between. Most people will give up and move onto the next blog.
Try to make the key articles on your blog at least 1000 words or longer. This could potentially be the cornerstone content that you can link to from future posts that you make, so make that first article really good. Spend time on it and make it as detailed as you can.
Remember not to overthink it. Trying to write your first blog post and get it perfect may never happen. Rather, get it as good as you can and publish. You can go back later and add to it when you are more experienced. Get started and get the ball rolling. The great part about blogging is that you have the power to change up things in the future.
Remember to add pictures relating to your article, as this will make the look of your page more attractive to your readers.
Last but not least, have fun while you write. You can only do this if you blog about something you are passionate about, and believe me, this will show in the way that you portray your information.
Find out how to get your content ranking faster in the search engines by clicking here.
Here’s to you as you write your first blog post.

In this article, there is a lot of information that a newbie that is just getting into blogging can gain from this post.
The first thing about a blog is to know the right thing to start to write on. I always say write from experience and what you like. Maybe fashion, cooking and so on. Then follow by other things like keyword and the rest.
You are right. Always write from the heart and about what you enjoy doing. This makes the whole blogging process much more fun and doable.
Your first blog post should be about you and why you are blogging about the subject (niche) you have chosen. The purpose is to establish yourself and identify you with a particular audience. This helps readers understand and relate to you through a common like or passion. It also helps people relate and ultimately trust you and not just another person hiding behind a screen of anonymity.
Well said Glen. You are right but if the first post isn’t about you, it can be written a bit later and back dated. Few will see your site in the early days in any case. The important thing is getting the content going.
Hi and thank you for the really great tips. I have written a lot of posts now and can relate to what your saying. Especially about the writers block stuff. It can be a challenge blogging at times and quite time consuming too. But ultimately very rewarding. It just takes time, patience and practice.
Yes, Kenny, you are right. It is hard work in the beginning, especially when you feel as though nobody is actually visiting and reading your website, but in the end, the rewards are well worth it.
It’s been months since I wrote my first post but your article was still interesting and useful to me. How to write a good article is an eternal theme for which there is no final answer. I clicked on a link that talks about SEO tips for WP and there I found more useful tips. Thank you for that and I’ll be your follower.
Thank you for your kind words. All the best with your own site.
I can’t say too much now without commending you for this article. Blogging is sweet but it requires proper understanding of what you are about to write and by so doing, you will be ranked in Google and on the other hand, if good contents are not written, you will barely find visitors to storm the site which is supposed to yield traffic.
It’s all about great content. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you for sharing the information on how to write your first blog post.
I barely remembered what I wrote on my first blog post. All I remembered is that it was tough, scattered topics, had way too much content where it should be just one content in one post.
I got better with time and practice though, it was hard in the beginning for me but now I learn to plan on what I want to write and lay out the topics that I want to cover.
Before it would take me 2 days to write one post alone, now I have improved to 6 hours lol Just bookmarked on how to plan a blog on your post as well 🙂
Doing this article also brought back memories and when I look at my first posts I can see a lot of room for improvement, which can luckily always be done.
Thanks for the comment and all the best going forward with your blog.
An insightful post. Writing your first post can be emotionally tasking and takes a lot of confidence.
It took me a while to publish my first post after even finishing the writing. Writing your blog post should entail a lot of research of similar topics so as to find out what appeals to the public.
I also found out writing on a topic that interests you makes writing your first post easier.
Thanks for sharing these tips.
Thanks for stopping by Aweda. I find the more you do it the easier it gets. The trick is not to try and publish the perfect post, or it will never be published. Remember you can always go back and add to the post later.