How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure

how to overcome the fear of failure

Most people are only scared to try something new as they are scared that they will fail, but if you never try something new, how will you ever know?

So in this article, let’s look at how to overcome the fear of failure.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure

Why Do We Fear The Unknown?

Do you realize that whenever you learn something new, it is always overwhelming at first?

There is a scientific explanation for this.

Once you understand it, you will have a different perspective on learning new things.

Imagine our brain has many different rooms.

how to overcome the fear of failure

When you learn a new topic, you are simply putting boxes and boxes of information into one room. The end result is the room is stacked with many boxes and very disorganized.

That’s when and why we feel overwhelmed.

But when we sleep, our brain will automatically reorganize the information and sort them accordingly.

That’s when we feel that everything starts to make sense and we start to have a mental image of how things can be done.

That’s how our brain works.

If you are new to internet marketing and you feel overwhelmed, now you know, that’s normal. Like any new skill you are learning, you just need to take it one step at a time.

Understanding how our brain works is useful in our daily life.

For example, if you are a parent, always make sure that your children do not do last-minute revisions.

Even for a simple spelling test, make sure that they learn it at least 2 nights before so that the brain has at least 2 nights to reorganize.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed, don’t fret, and don’t give up.

After a few slumbers, things will start making sense. You will start to form a mental image of how things can be done.

It’s just how the brain works.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure

How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure

Overcoming the fear of failure can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can conquer your apprehensions and achieve greatness. Instead of being paralyzed by fear, take a moment to breathe deeply and navigate through your thoughts by journaling. By utilizing the power of self-reflection, you can transform your mindset and find the courage to face your fears head-on.

Journaling can serve as a therapeutic tool to understand the root of your fears. When confronted with a daunting situation, ask yourself, “What am I truly afraid of?” By writing down your fears, you bring them out of the shadows and onto the page. As a result, these fears may seem less overwhelming and more manageable. Often, problems appear smaller when confronted on paper, making it easier to develop strategies to overcome them.

Remember that fear can inhibit your ability to make a difference in the lives of those you care about. Take a moment to consider the question, “Who am I fighting for?” By reminding yourself of the people who rely on you, you can find the motivation and determination to move forward despite your fears. This simple reminder can provide the necessary push to take action and help those who matter most.

It is natural for us to envision the worst-case scenario when facing our fears. However, it is essential to realize that the worst outcome is often not as dire as we imagine. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” More often than not, failure does not drastically alter our current situation. By acknowledging this, we begin to understand that the consequences of failure are not as catastrophic as they seem. Embrace the idea that you have little to lose and everything to gain by confronting your fears head-on.

Now, let’s shift our focus to the possibility of success. Visualize the question, “What if I succeed?” Allow yourself to envision the positive impact that overcoming your fears can have on your life. Reflect on how your life would improve, and the doors of opportunity that would open by conquering your fears. Remember the reasons why you embarked upon this journey in the first place. This recollection will fuel your motivation, providing a strong drive to surmount any obstacles that come your way.

Living in fear comes at a cost. If you never try anything, you could miss out on some of life’s great opportunities. Remember that trying and failing is often better than not trying at all.

In conclusion, overcoming the fear of failure is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Take a moment to breathe deeply and explore your thoughts through journaling. Reflect on the root of your fears, remind yourself of the people you are fighting for, and realize that the worst-case scenario is often not as devastating as it seems. Embrace the idea of success and visualize the positive impact it will have on your life. By following these steps, you can find the strength and courage to conquer your fears and achieve greatness.

Please comment below if you would like to add your thoughts on how to overcome the fear of failure.



Michel Maling


  1. Hey there! Fear of failure is a topic that really resonates with me. Taking risks and stepping into the unknown can be scary, but it’s often where growth and success lie.

    Overcoming the fear of failure involves mindset shifts and developing resilience. One approach that helps me is reframing failure as a learning opportunity. Each failure provides valuable lessons that guide us toward future success.

    Another strategy I find helpful is surrounding myself with a supportive community. Having people who believe in me and encourage me to push past my fears makes a significant difference.

    Now, I’m curious to hear your thoughts. How do you personally overcome the fear of failure? Have you discovered any effective techniques or strategies that have helped you navigate the unknown?

    Looking forward to your insights!

    • I think that my way of overcoming the fear of failure is to jump in before I think about it too much and then worry about it later. Not sure if this is always the way to go, but it has worked for me most of the time.

      Thanks for stopping by Israel.

  2. I read the article about overcoming the fear of failure and found it to be a helpful and insightful piece. The author presented practical tips and strategies for dealing with the fear of failure, such as reframing negative self-talk and focusing on the present moment. I appreciated how the author emphasized the importance of learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth, rather than simply dwelling on them. Overall, I found the article to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to overcome their fear of failure and achieve their goals.

    • Thanks for stopping by Steve, and yes that was my goal. If this helps even one person, my goal has been met.

  3. Hi there,

    Overcoming the fear of failure has been a transformative journey for me. I used to be paralyzed by the thought of failure, and it held me back from pursuing my goals and dreams. However, I realized that failure is a natural part of life, and it’s an opportunity for growth and learning.

    I started by reframing my perspective on failure. Instead of seeing it as a negative outcome, I started viewing it as a stepping stone towards success. Each failure taught me valuable lessons and brought me one step closer to achieving my goals.

    I also learned to embrace the idea of taking risks. I realized that playing it safe and avoiding failure was holding me back from reaching my full potential. So, I started taking calculated risks and stepping outside of my comfort zone. Even if things didn’t go as planned, I knew that I was building resilience and gaining valuable experience.

    Overall, overcoming the fear of failure has been liberating. It has allowed me to embrace opportunities, take bold steps towards my goals, and grow as an individual. While failure is still a possibility, I no longer let it hold me back. Instead, I see it as a chance to learn, adapt, and ultimately succeed.

    Overall, I like your article as it touches the solutions rather than the problem.

  4. The article presents a comprehensive exploration of overcoming the fear of failure, shedding light on the challenges that this fear poses in seizing opportunities. It’s a relatable piece, acknowledging that fear is a natural response but also emphasizing the importance of taking chances. The wisdom shared about reframing failure as a learning opportunity is particularly insightful, illustrating that failure isn’t the end but a stepping stone toward growth. Overall, it’s a motivating read that encourages a shift in mindset and provides actionable strategies to embrace challenges and uncertainties. How have you personally managed to overcome your own fear of failure? Have you found any particular technique or mindset shift to be particularly effective?

    • I tend to play it safe, so I haven’t fully overcome the fear of failure as far as investing money and trading goes, but in other areas of my life like my businesses, I am better and invest in those because I fully believe they will succeed. I reckon I need to learn to trust others as much as I trust myself. 

      Call it a work in progress, and I am sure we all face the same struggles.

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