What Is Google Discover?
Google Discover is basically a mobile-only branch of the Google Search Engine.
If you are an affiliate marketer and wondering if Google Discover can help you at all with your marketing endeavours, you have come to the right place.
Because Google Discover is a mobile only ‘search engine’ it only works if you are looking up things or browsing on your mobile phone. It will show you sites or content based on your browsing history on your phone.
You will see the Google Discover icon on the bottom left side of your screen, or you will automatically see related content popping up of other articles and sites you can visit in relation to what you have been searching for.
So if you are searching for restaurants, for example, you will be shown blogs and sites that are related to your search. Sometimes the search results can be a bit vague, and other times they will be directly related to what you are searching for on Google and You Tube.
So as you can see Google Discover can be a very useful tool for marketers as it can help you get a lot more visitors to your site. If you are an affiliate marketer only, it may not be the answer you are looking for, but if you are trying to get more revenue from ads that are placed on your site, or get into the better advertising networks like Mediavine, then this will help you to get the traffic that you need.
Google discover likes sites that are visual and evergreen. Examples of these types of sites are cooking, health and fitness, vacation sites, etc.
Google Discover also likes learn based or news related content like how to do something, or the latest news.
Google Discover does not show commercial based content where the primary intent is to sell you something for example reviews or sales pages.
So why would you want to put your efforts into getting your site or articles that don’t have commercial intent?
Well you can have links on that page that can lead to pages with commercial intent, or simply get more traffic to your website in general and thus better rankings in Google.
So How Do You Get Your Site To Show Up On Google Discover?
First of all you need to know how to rank your site in the normal search engines by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is not difficult and I have learned everything that I know about SEO using the training that they supply at Wealthy Affiliate.
Then you need to work on having good eye catching images on your blog, This will entice more people to click into your site.
Use images of 1600 x 840 in size for optimal results for the picture that you want displayed on Google Discover. These are easily made on Canva. Once you have your image then you need to use the alt text to type in the keyword that you are wanting to rank for on Google. This basically means that you use an alt tag to let the search engines know what your picture is all about.
You need to set your site up with Google Search Console, then you can see exactly what traffic you are getting from Google Discover, which can be very helpful. You will be able to see at a glance which articles are being openned the most and which need help.
So as you can see, it is not that difficult to get ‘discovered’ by Google Discover, especially if you know the ins and outs of building a website. The training offered by Wealthy Affiliate is great because it covers all aspects of getting your site up and running, including SEO training and a mobile responsive website.
So, in a nutshell, this is what you need to be discovered by Google Discover:
- Good use of SEO on your website.
- A mobile friendly and fast site.
- A knowledge of how to use the Google Console.
- A featured or social image of 1600 x 840.
If all of the above is in place and you have good content on your website you will not only be discovered by Google Discover, but also Google Search.
If you go to your Google Search Console, you will see if you click on Discover what the number of visits you are getting on discover. If you don’t see the icon, then it means that your site isn’t getting visitors from Discover.
Google Discover is an excellent add on bonus way to get extra traffic to your site. You can potentially earn more from your site, even if you are focusing on affiliate marketing.
This is passive income, so why not.
Just remember, as I said before, Google Discover is not for all niche sites. It mainly works on specific niche sites, but Google Search is a way more reliable to get you more traffic long term.
The best long term strategy to apply is to try and rank on Google Search, and in a lot of cases you will end up on Google Discover as well.
Optimize all your images to get extra traffic on top of your search results. You will also improve your rankings if people visit through Discover and spend time on your site. The more visual your site, and the more popular the subject, the more possibility you will be found on Google Discover.
Just remember that the quantity of traffic your website gets is not always a measure of how successful the site is or how much money you are going to make. It all depends on the way that you are monetizing your site. Some sites do better with advertising revenue and others selling products.
So I hope you now have a better understanding to the question What Is Google Discover, and you now also know how you can get your website featured there too. Please comment below if you have any questions.

This information is awesome!
I haven’t heard of Google Discover before reading this and I bookmarked your page as an information reference site to learn more, as you seem to have a great source of information here.
I kept on reading and was intrigued by the extra information you’ve provided about images and more on SEO.
This info is going to help me further boost my site’s success as well!
Thank you!
Thank you, Mark and it is also thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, as their training actually helped me with this aspect of my business.
What is Google Discover and how can it help me, GREAT article.
I always read on Google Discover but was completely unaware of its potential in relation to my website. so, thank you for this. There are tips here that I will use immediately..
I think this information will be very useful, especially for those of us who are fairly new to internet marketing.
Thanks again.
This is an excellent article about Google Discover. Lately my site is getting around 90% traffic from Google Discover, which is great. You’re right optomizing images, SEO and the mobile site speed are all good factors considering. Really looking forward to more of your contents! Thank you for sharing this!
I have read about Google discover. I never knew it can be that easy to show up on Google discover. You made the process a lot simpler. With rightly sized images and appropriate SEO strategies, I used to feel it was a lot more complicated. I have also taken the training at Wealthy Affiliate but will revisit it to up my skills. Thank you for spelling it out in simple words