Today lets look at Moolavine, what it is and who it is for.
MoolaVine is an online make money opportunity with a difference.
It works on the principle of reverse affiliate marketing, which means instead of you chasing people to buy affiliate products through your link, people will come to you and tell you what they want and then purchase it on your affiliate link, thus earning you a commission.
The creator behind MoolaVine Bryan Winters has been actively producing new products, and MoolaVine is just one of those on his growing list. As far as his credibility goes, he is well known for other successful programs such as 5figureday, Cashblurbs, Dumb Little System and Viral Lightening. All very clever and successful programs in their own rights.
What Exactly Is Moolavine?
MoolaVine is a simple affiliate program in which your personal Clickbank and JVzoo affiliate links will be placed. You need to find people to join you, and then they will be placed into your vine. If they want to make money through the system, they will need to purchase a product or products of their choice through your affiliate link, and this, in turn, lets them promote and build their vines, who will purchase products through them.
So instead of going after people to sell to, the system works by making people chase you to purchase products from your affiliate links.
How Much Does It Cost To Join Moolavine?
There are two ways to become a Moolavine affiliate member. You can register as a free account holder, purchase a product of your choice from your mentor or directly activate the Moola Vine membership by upgrading, the cost for the membership is $30 per month or $20 if you take up the special offer when joining.
For every dollar you spend, you get a day to promote the Moolavine system so that you can make money. Once your days are finished, you will need to purchase another product of your choice from either Clickbank or JV Zoo to carry on promoting your Moolavine link.
I opted to take the upgraded option, which was $1 for the first five days, and then $20 per month until you decide to cancel your subscription or go onto the free membership.
With this option, you won’t need to buy products, but you get neverending green days in which to promote your vine. If any of your vine members decide to upgrade you will get a recurring $10 per month commission.
So even though Moolavine is advertised as a free system, you do have to spend something to make the system work for you. Like any good thing, you normally have to spend money to make money.
Is Moolavine An MLM Or Pyramid Scheme?
This is one thing that Moolavine is not.
It goes only one level down, so in other words, you can only make money from your direct referrals.
‘A pyramid scheme (commonly known as pyramid scams) is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services.’
Are There Any Upsells?
Yes, unfortunately, there are a couple, but not all are necessary to purchase.
When you join Moolavine, you will be offered the chance to upgrade as follows:
You can try the system for 5 days first for $1 and then after that, you will be paying $20 per month.
You will be offered membership to Bryan Winters other program, Dual Squeeze, which sells at a discount of $97 one time, as opposed to $27 per month. If you take up this membership, you will be able to build a list with all your Moolavine referrals.
I didn’t take up this offer, because as an upgraded member of Moolavine, you can send emails to your entire list from inside the membership area. You just don’t see their names and who they are.
What If You Are Not Good At Getting People To Join Your Vine?
If you suck at referring people. (I think I am a bit like that, but I am improving with time) then you have the option of putting your MoolaVine on autopilot.
This involves joining their traffic coop. You can purchase shares from $40 and Bryan Winters and his team will promote your vine for you. I opted not to take this option but may do so in the future. So far I haven’t done too badly on my own and am getting about ten referrals a week using Bing and these forms of advertising.
MoolaVine Pros
- Founder Bryan Winters is a legit and real person who is well known for other successful endeavors online.
- Membership is free for as long as you want, simply buy the products you need.
- Upgraded membership is affordable and worthwhile.
- Great way for newbies to get into affiliate marketing and get sales quickly.
- If you are a free member, you can purchase whatever you want on either Clickbank or JVZoo with no limits.
- MoolaVine converts really well.
- Bryan Winters offers a great training series which you can subscribe to when you join.
MoolaVine Cons
- You have to make a purchase in order to keep your green days. If you don’t have green days you can’t make money.
- Some of the Upsells are pricey, but not really necessary.
- If you are not sure how to get traffic, the training here is not that good, and you may need to look and learn from other resources.
- The paid traffic that is recommended is quite pricey. There are cheaper methods of getting great traffic.
- The conversion rates of free to members who actually upgrade or buy anything are pretty low, but this is probably the case in most free to join programs.
I am a member of MoolaVine, and I find it a very useful little program, which doesn’t take too much of my time away from my main online business.
If you would like to join MoolaVine in my vine, click here.
If you would rather concentrate on building your own online business in the form of an income producing website, then you can read all about my top choice here.
Please feel free to comment below if you have had any experience with MoolaVine or the MoolaVine Coop.