If you have heard how millions of people of making money online with affiliate marketing and you want to know how to start with affiliate marketing, here are some popular ways to get started. If you just want to get your feet wet, then scroll down to the bottom of this post and try method three.
I have been doing affiliate marketing for a number of years now part-time, and I only started making sales after a couple of years of trial and error.
I then started getting all my training with Wealthy Affiliate, and am finally seeing consistent sales every month and my income is starting to climb like it is supposed to do.
Affiliate marketing is basically the process of selling other peoples products and getting a commission on each of your sales. The best part about this type of online income is that you can put it on autopilot and you don’t have to stock the products yourself or worry about shipping the products.
There are many methods available on how to start with affiliate marketing.
Here are a few examples.
How To Start With Affiliate Marketing
Method One:
In a nutshell, you go online, find a product or products that are converting well and are popular and then apply to become an affiliate with the company in question.
You then purchase advertising and market these products.
The drawback here is that you constantly have to pay for and monitor your advertising methods. If you don’t know anything about marketing, you may waste a lot of money doing the trail and error thing.
This type of business is not hands-free and you will need to work on it daily.
Method Two:
This method, in my opinion, is the best method when it comes to how to get started with affiliate marketing.
You would find something that you know a lot about, like for instance golf, and then start a website about it. You would write all about it doing keyword research and helping people with the usual questions that they would have relating to golf. On your website, you could also recommend and do reviews on products you would like to market.
The only drawback here is that it takes time to build out your website and get it ranked in the search engines, and a lot of people want to make money now and not only in a years time.
The best part about this method, if you are not in a hurry, is that you can build yourself a sustainable online business over time that would pay you on autopilot eventually.
If you host your websites here, you get free training and you won’t need to spend hours learning the technical aspects of setting up a website. The platform is full of great training and you won’t need to pay unless you want to become a premium member.
Method Three:
This method is a no-brainer if you want to know how to get started with affiliate marketing, but just want to get your feet wet.
There is no real time-consuming training needed with this method, as everything is set up for you. The only investment you will need to make is to buy a product of your choice every so often.
The concept of this is reverse marketing. In other words, people will come to you asking for products that they need, and then you simply send them your affiliate link so that they can purchase it and you get the commissions.
This is a quick way to make some affiliate commissions, without having to invest too much time, but like the first method, it is something you will need to work on at least for thirty minutes a day to see some profits.
You can find out more about this method by clicking here.