Let’s take a look at different and inexpensive ways on how to get more leads for your business because if you are out of leads, we all know that you are out of business.
In order to build any successful business, you must continue to have people to speak to. This could be in the form of people visiting your website and looking at what you have to offer, to prospects contacting you and asking you what it is you are about.
It is always better to have leads coming to you, rather than you trying to chase them up. In this way, you will get people who are interested in what you have to offer to stop by, and your job will be so much easier.
Tips On How To Get More Leads For Your Business
Here are some great tips on how to get more leads for your business, especially if you are marketing on a budget.
Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards have been proven as an extremely effective way to generate leads.
Bulletin boards are usually found at grocery stores, colleges, malls, libraries, etc.
All you need to do is produce a catchy ad which can have some bulleted points like ‘Serious Entrepreneurs Wanted,’ or ‘Great thinkers and students needed,’ or even ‘Do You Need To Make Some Extra Money?’
Try to be creative or get some ideas from your local newspaper. Make people curious as to what it is that will make their lives better.
Signs On Intersections
These are a very popular form of advertising. Pick some busy intersections where people stop and have time to write down or take a pic of your ad. Make sure your ad copy is very visible and to the point.
Business Cards
This is one thing you should never leave home without. You just never know when someone will ask you what you do for a living or even why you are so happy?
Try inserting your business card into library books that are relevant to your business so that when people open the book, bingo, there is your business card.
News Papers And Local Advertising
These ads can be done with very little capital. And believe it or not, people still read the classified sections of papers, even in this day and age.
Lead Capture Pages Or Forms
If you have a website, make sure you have a way to capture your prospect’s information somewhere relevant on your site.
Once you have captured their contact details, make sure you have a sequence of emails that can go out on a regular basis to your prospect, offering him valuable information, not just trying to sell to him.
I use the Freedom Funnel Builder at HBA, and am finding this an awesome way to build my list of leads quickly.
Ads On Cars
I have placed stickers on my car advertising my main business (a dancing school), and it is amazing how many leads I get from this form of advertising.
That is probably why car advertising has taken off so much over the last few years.
Flyers On Cars
Another way to advertise is to put flyers on other people’s cars. You can take your family and knock out a record number of cars on a busy Saturday at the Mall.
Safelists And List Builders
Most safelists and list builders are free to join and they are another great method for how to get more leads for your business.
However it takes time to send email to multiple safelists and click for credits each day, that is why I use Referral Frenzy to do the job for me, as I can send out to close to a hundred mailers in about five minutes, and I always get some leads using this method, as it is done en masse.
I also use Leads Leap, and I have a pro account with them which costs me $20 per month, but I get a constant flow of leads using them, so it is well worth not having to waste time clicking on ads.
Guest Posting
Doing a guest post on somebody else’s blog or website with a link back to your own website is an excellent way to generate more traffic to your website and hopefully leads if you can capture their details.
Make sure that your content is relevant to what you do, as well as relevant to the website that you are posting on.
Social Media
Social media is a great way to get new leads for your business, but you need to be careful that you don’t look like a spammer when you use these platforms. Most people hate being sold to so the best way to go is to add interesting and helpful information whenever you can and get more followers.
Most Social Media platforms also have paid advertising options which can work quite well if you get your demographics right.
I always post on social media whenever I have added content to my websites, as this is a great way to get viewers to your website if they are interested in reading the article you have written. It also gets you a backlink in the search engines which helps your rankings over time.
I believe every business should have a website. This is like your home base and where you can send potential customers so they can find out more about what you do.
A website is relatively inexpensive, in fact, you can start a free website with Wealthy Affiliate and WordPress by clicking here.
If you want a long term website, WordPress is the way to go. Beware of other free platforms as there is always a catch.
Go into forums and answer questions that people are asking relevant to your niche. Make sure you provide helpful answers as well as a link back to your own website.
Quora and Yahoo answers are other places you can also find leads by answering questions and helping others out.
In conclusion, leads are the most important component in building a business. In this article, I have covered a few ways to generate leads on little or no budget, but as you build your business it is a good idea to continue to increase your marketing budget with some of your profits. Paid advertising is by far the way to go if you really want to scale up your business.