Let us look at how using both Facebook and WordPress together in your blogging efforts can help you to get more traffic to your blog and stand out from the crowd.
Using Facebook And WordPress In Your Blogging
Facebook, as a social media platform, has worked hard to become the main gathering place for socializing and catching up. Since its inception in 2006, the number of users has grown by the millions, and they have already celebrated 1 billion users online at one single moment!
Facebook has truly become the “hottest” social site on the planet and you can take a slice of that traffic paid or free for yourself.
With that in mind, it makes a lot of sense that you would want to incorporate Facebook into your WordPress blog and enjoy the traffic it can drive back to your blog. To add your WordPress blog content to Facebook you can use posting services such as Hootsuite to automate your content to Facebook, allowing your posts to be scheduled at optimized times, such as lunchtimes, mornings, and/or evenings.
You can also set up a feed to deliver content to Facebook after you post each article on your blog, but in my experience, it’s better to add your own written posts to engage the readers on a more personal level. Anything manufactured or automated tends to get ignored. Remember that sometimes a little work goes a long way.
Facebook used to offer an easy way to import blogs using Facebook Notes, but they discontinued that feature, leaving bloggers struggling for an easy way to import their posts to their profiles and Pages.
If you have a Facebook fan page, you can also integrate it into your WordPress blog. You can have the Facebook Fan Box plugin/widget displayed on your blog and it will show any recent updates you’ve done on your Facebook page, as well as all-new fans that join. This is an excellent way to encourage visitors to your blog to become your Facebook fans.
You can also add Facebook functionally to your WordPress blog. This way your visitors can comment on your blog by signing into your Facebook account. The comments then show up on their Facebook newsfeed as well as on your blog. A nice little traffic generator with a simple setup.
This is an excellent marketing tool that will help you grow your blog’s community. You can display items you’ve recently posted to Facebook, and you can use the Facebook Live Stream plugin, which is an excellent marketing tool if you have live events occurring.
Facebook also has its own plugin which now connects directly from your WordPress blog to your Facebook account. The plugin allows various features such as likes and the ability to replace your comment thread with the Facebook comment thread. As well as these cool tools you can also link to your fan pages to advertise your new posts and subscriber information about up and coming events, sales, and product launches.
The Facebook plugin is a very powerful tool and worth looking into for Facebook interaction. A simple search in the plugin section for “Facebook plugin” will find the plugin easily. Using Facebook marketing is an excellent way to significantly boost your business brand and increase your targeted traffic. You can use these tools to build a strong community following around your WordPress blog and they will spread the word and help you to gain more traction.
Fan Pages On Facebook
A great way to interact with your Facebook audience is through your Fan Pages. I’m sure you have seen fan pages on other blogs. This page allows me to communicate directly with my list of subscribers about content-related issues from my blog.
Not only is a fan page a good place to build relationships, but it’s also a great place to share your content and have your content shared by others. If you can build up a big enough following, the ability to drive a large amount of traffic from Facebook to your blog can be quite an easy task.
Think of Social media traffic and your blog as a two-way street. You send traffic to your Facebook page via your blog and Facebook sends traffic back to your blog. The viral aspects can be fantastic using one to feed the other and vice versa.
Facebook also has the option to boost a post that you have posted on your fan page to increase the reach. Let’s say you have 1000 fans. The boost option will allow you to reach many many many more than that. This service is paid of course, but it’s traffic on tap and if you get it right, it can be very helpful for building business and converting visitors to subscribers.
Facebook Groups or Pages
Facebook groups differ a little from pages and as the name states it’s a group where group discussions happen. People join the group to be part of the interaction and community which surrounds that particular group. Check out the Bloggers Roadmap Group where people share posts and ideas.
If you have a business or something you want to share it is always a good idea to create a group or page. This way the people associated with your business or product can interact. It saves time with support and also creates community around your niche allowing for relationship building, progress sharing, and support.
So next time you think about creating a product or service, don’t forget that Facebook and WordPress working together can always generate extra traffic for you and hopefully more subscribers and sales in the end.

I use WordPress and I am very happy with this short time I have devoted to writing and blogging. I believe that it is very important to share our content on social networks, although there will be fear and shame in the beginning. Facebook is a great social network to start with, and later you can share your content on other networks.
Exactly Bojana. There is always somebody out there that will find your content interesting.
Hey a great post you have here!
It’s very informative, I enjoyed reading through. Currently I am trying to connect my Facebook with my website which is on WordPress, I wasn’t sure how to before but thankfully reading this has got me knowing now how to do that. I’ll definitely be checking out the Facebook plugin.
When I started I used to share all my social media posts in Facebook groups. This was a good way for me to gain some traction on my latest posts and increase the chance of any of my affiliate links getting a click.
It is important that you are active in these groups as well as promoting your stuff, you gotta give as well as receive in these groups.
You are so right Michael. As with anything in life, its always give and receive. It is important to help others as much as you can, otherwise you will simply come across as a spammer.
It is a highly informative post to gain traction on social media like Facebook for increasing your traffic and communicating to your fans and groups.
It is helpful to know the Plugins and ways to transfer the essence of the content of your blog to WordPress and the interaction of your face group subscribers.
I am scared of Facebook as a social media and haven’t built up a page yet. I feel encouraged reading your post to venture for one.
I happily subscribed to your business.
Thank you Anusuya, and good luck with getting that FaceBook page going.