“Happiness isn’t something you experience: it’s something you remember.”
Here in this post, I am going to share with you some interesting information that I have found. Ten secrets to abundant happiness and they are so simple to achieve that I can’t understand why more people aren’t aware of them.
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It’s not hard to find happiness, but it can be easy to lose sight of it all too quickly as other mundane problems swamp your life.
Ben Renshaw, who is a relationship guru is who I am sharing this advice from, as these are great secrets you can choose to have lasting happiness without having to chase it.
Here is one example of one of his many books. You can purchase this one online by clicking on the picture.
The Secrets of Happiness is essential reading for anyone looking for true fulfillment and peace of mind, which are often hard to find in life today.
A fresh approach in pocket-book form, full of witty and practical tips, this delightful book brings succinct advice from a master—written in a positive, uplifting, and inspiring style.
Scroll down a breakdown of the secrets to happiness, but a book like this next to your bed will give you a lot more detail to get your teeth into.
The Ten Secrets of Abundant Happiness is another great book you can buy online by Adam Jackson. This is a fictional more fictional approach than the book above.
This best-selling series of books has been translated into over 30 languages – The Ten Secrets of Abundant Happiness is an uplifting and inspirational book.
It is a timeless parable that follows the journey of a confused and lost young man in his search for happiness. A chance encounter with a mysterious old Chinese man leads the young man to ten special people who each have a secret to share. These secrets are based on the true and extraordinary stories of real people from all walks of life.
The Ten Secrets of Abundant Happiness is part of a series containing The Ten Secrets of Abundant Health, Abundant Wealth, and Abundant Love, and all of them are based on compilations of true stories.
Together and individually they contain unique and inspirational stories that have changed the lives of readers all over the world.
Ten Secrets To Abundant Happiness
Secret Number 1:
In The Mornings
The choices you make when you wake up can affect your mood for the entire day.
Instead of thinking as you wake up, “I must feed the cat,” or where is my coffee?” Rather think along with these terms. Imagine you have an inspirational button you can push each morning and watch it shake up your day.
Think of things you are grateful for, and how today is going to be the best day of your life. Think about what a wonderful person you are.
Just think what a difference these positive thoughts are going to set the tone of your day to a much happier one.
Secret Number 2:
There Are No Free Lunches
These sorts of cliches are nonsense because remember that happiness is free. You don’t have to work yourself into the ground to find it, as happiness is inherent within you.
Secret Number 3:
Happiness Is Not Selfish
Happy people are more willing to reach out and help others.
Stressful circumstances can make you selfish, being late for work or being stuck in a traffic jam. But when you’re happy, you naturally want to give and maybe let the driver in ahead of you without expecting a wave in return.
Secret Number 4:
Refocus On The Small Details
A simple thing like a smile, a gesture, a bunch of flowers, or even someone saying thank you. Add these up and you’ll soon realize that each moment is a potential gift for you.
Remember to give thanks too. It is a reflection of valuing life when you are grateful for everything, from waking up in the morning to haveing a particular friend.
Secret Number 5:
Set Aside Some Space For Happiness
Psychologists estimate that we think up to 40 000 thoughts a day.
Each day take out five minutes to empty the clutter from your mind and let happiness in.
Secret Number 6:
It’s OK To Be Unhappy
You just need to approach it differently and not let it get you down.
Work out why you are feeling unhappy and what being unhappy is telling you. Is it to slow down and rest or simply a need to re-establish balance?
Remember to be kind to yourself no matter what you are feeling.
Secret Number 7:
Stop Dangling A Carrot In Front Of Your Nose
In order for happiness to be continual, you need to stop thinking that you won’t be happy until you have achieved all or certain goals.
For example, the carrot may be a promotion at work or more money.
It is great to have goals but remember that their value lies in the process of achieving them.
Secret Number 8:
Don’t Edit Out Who You Really Are
When your inner voice tells you to keep quiet and not contribute your ideas – ignore it.
Editing your life and yourself will prevent yourself from being seen for who you really are and this, in turn, will block happiness.
Secret Number 9:
Don’t Compare Yourself With Others
This is the quickest route to unhappiness.
When you compare yourself to others you can come out feeling either better or worse about yourself.
Even if you think that you’re more attractive or successful, it is only a temporary fix of happiness and will prevent you from accepting yourself for who you are.
Learn to value all your contributions and your uniqueness.
Secret Number 10:
Balance Your Life
On a scale of 0 to 10, think about the amount of time, energy, and attention you give to work, relationships, health, leisure, etc.
Are all of these factors balance in your life?
If not, you need to find balance and prioritize your day-to-day life.
An imbalance can result in stress, relationships breaking down, work appearing unmanageable, etc.
So now that you have read the ten secrets to abundant happiness, is there anything else you would like to add in the comments below?