How To Get Things Done

how to get things done

If you want to know how to get things done instead of procrastinating all the time, there is a simple solution that most people simply overlook. Have you ever thought about a to-do list? There is something really powerful that happens when we put what we need to do on a piece of paper.

Almost every productivity and How to Get Things Done (GTD) expert out there will tell you that a daily to-do list is one of the most essential tools in their system of success. In fact, studies have shown that people perform much better when they have written down what they need to do.

Lists definitely help you stay focused and learn from your past successes and mistakes. They help you remember things that you would forget otherwise and provide a way for you to stay organized. 

Why Creating Lists Is The Best Solution For How To Get Things Done

how to get things done

Simpleology is a great believer in creating lists to organize your life. Using their methods you will get so much more done in a day.

Here is why you should be working with lists:

Frees Up Your Brain Space

You have no idea how much stress and anxiety you cause yourself when you try to remember too much. Listing things as they come up or adding them to the dream catcher at Simpleology allows you to get everything out of your head.

No more trying to remember what time that appointment was or that important thing was that you had to get done. If you have written it down, then your brain is free to concentrate on getting things done instead of trying to remember your list of chores.

Creates Order

A to-do list is an orderly way to get things done and organize how to do the things you have to do. 

Projects and plans get broken down into bite-size chunks that are doable. A to-do list not only creates order but also gives you a strategy for getting things done.

Reduces Anxiety

Incomplete tasks have a way of popping up in our head at unexpected times or continue brewing in our subconscious, compounding and leading to anxiety. A daily to-do list helps to cut down that anxiety.

Helps You To Prioritize

Making a to-do list is an important first step but prioritizing that list ensures that you focus on the most important items first, rather than giving in to the temptation of working on less important items because they may stand out more or because they are easier to do. 

Once you have a list of the things you need to complete, set priorities and decide which jobs should be done first. A tip here is to do the hardest task first thing in the morning while you are still fresh.

Instills Accountability

The act of writing a list of things to do in itself holds you accountable to get those things done. 

Once you write it down, you have given it life and are now creating a plan to accomplish the goals you would like to see completed.  You are now accountable to yourself.

Helps You Delegate

A to-do list helps you delegate work. If you see the list is too long, you can find others to delegate to and help you to complete your tasks.

Helps You Grow

When jumping into something new, there are bound to be many bumps along the way. Having your plan written down and broken down into daily tasks will help you grow, whether it be a business or in your personal life.

how to get things done

Creates A Sense Of Satisfaction

Having a To-Do List each day will give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete tasks and cross them off. 

It is a wonderful feeling to cross items off your list. This gives you back control. It also gives you a positive productive feeling.

There are many benefits of to-do lists, from helping you prioritize your time to helping you remember what it is you meant to do. For many people, To-do lists are absolutely invaluable. It’s a very simple strategy that works great!

And this my friends, is how to get things done!


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Michel Maling


  1. Such a great reminder to stay as organized as possible, I myself am prone to letting things slide some days but unfortunately that all then snowballs into a seemingly unmanaged mountain. By setting short goals and daily to-do lists the workload instantly becomes much more manageable, the key is staying consistently organized and holding yourself accountable.

    Thanks for a timely reminder.

  2. I adopted this technique of creating a to do list and I agree that it is helpful. This article confirmed to me that making that list was a good idea. You are less likely to procrastinate what you were to do if you have a list. Its like literally going against your own oath that you made and you don’t want to do that. Remember that procrastination is the thief of time!

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