Because most of us don’t eat enough fruit and veggies, in this post I am going to look at how to eat more fruits and vegetables, and ways to incorporate these into our diet. As entrepreneurs, it is important to take time off to focus on our health, as it is imperative so that we stay healthy well into our old age. Eating more fruits and vegetables is something many of us need to focus on more than we actually do.
Some Easy Ways To Add More Fruits And Vegetables To Your Diet
Eating right means you eat your fruits and vegetables, lean meat, a few healthy fats while reducing junk foods, processed foods, and preservatives. But if you’re doing all that and you’re still not getting your daily requirements of fruits and vegetables, what do you do then?
Well, the problem may not be with what you’re eating, but with how much you’re eating – or not eating.
Most of us have no clue how many servings of fruits and vegetables we’re supposed to eat on a daily basis. And if you do know, then you probably don’t know just how much of each type is a serving size exactly.
Here are a few examples:
- 2 cups of leafy greens are equal to 1 cup of vegetables.
- A ½ cup of dried fruits is equal to 1 cup of fruits.
- One big fruit (apples, oranges, peaches, bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) is equal to 1 cup of fruit.
- It takes 6 – 8 pieces of smaller fruits to equal 1 cup.
While it may sound tricky, it’s actually quite simple once you understand the science behind it.
How To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables – 4 Tips
Tip Number 1 – Plan Ahead
Having things washed, drained, chopped, and cut up is a great time-saver. Plus, it’ll stop any excuse dead in its tracks.
It’ll be easier to add some chopped spinach to your omelet, or a handful of berries to your yogurt or pancake batter if it is already prepared for you.
Fruit popsicles or fruit kabobs are delicious and another fun way to add some nutritional value to your meals.
This also makes it easier to roast vegetables, giving them a quick stir in some oil, a bit of seasoning and heat pumps up their flavor and, in some cases, even enhances their nutritional value.
You can roast almost all vegetables either in the oven or on your stovetop. And you can even mix and match, and create your own, unique healthy recipes.
Another great way to plan ahead is to buy frozen fruits and vegetables. They still retain their nutritional value and their delicious flavor. Plus, they’re already prepared and ready to go, and they’re available year-round.
If it’s all done, prepared, and ready to go, it will be a lot easier to add fruit and veggies to your diet, especially when you are tired after a long day and don’t feel like spending hours in the kitchen.
Tip Number 2 – Eat More Salad
Always have a salad alongside your main meal for lunch and dinner. Salads are one of the most versatile meals ever invented. You can do classic salads or add some protein like chicken or tuna; you can add beans, chickpeas, corn – whatever your heart desires. And going back to tip number 1, if everything is already prepared, all you need to do is toss it together and you have a meal.
Salads also help you to consume fewer calories, as they fill you up and reduce the risk of burnout later in the afternoon, as they are loaded with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. These things keep your metabolism going longer while boosting your concentration and memory levels.
Tip Number 3 – Eat More Soup
Nothing says comfort food like soups and they are super nutritious too.
All year-long, soups have been known to satiate hunger pangs while providing you with your daily supply of vegetables. And they can be made in virtually an infinite number of ways.
Grab some great soup recipes here.
Tip Number 4 – Eat Your Desert!
The idea behind craving something sweet after each meal (and in-between them) is that our blood sugar levels drop at certain times during the day. But instead of going for that candy bar or bucket of ice-cream, grab some fruit which will provide you with fiber, vitamins, minerals.
It’ll bring that craving to a halt plus it’ll keep you alert and focused during the afternoon, as opposed to that drowsy feeling that comes over us when we’re drained and feel out of whack. You can cut up different types of fruit to make a fruit salad or put them in a blender to make a smoothie. You can have a different type of dessert for every day of the week that will satisfy your sweet tooth without piling on the calories.
The best thing you can do for your health is to find the right amounts that suit your needs. Your gender, age, whether you lead an active or a more sedentary lifestyle are all factors that determine how much you should eat which should provide you with a basic guideline to start building a well-balanced, nutrient-rich lifestyle.
Please comment below if you have other ideas on how to eat more fruits and vegetables.