Let’s look at some fun things to do with the family, as I am sure you are all tired of lockdown and boredom.
There are a lot of troubles facing the world today. With COVID and pandemic anxiety-causing upheaval in our lives this year we can easily get lost in all this fear and negativity. This does not help our peace of mind nor does it promote serenity and inner peace.
For those with kids forced to learn remotely due to the pandemic, this year’s back to school certainly looks much different than ever before. Your kids are likely anxious too and uneasy because their routine is no longer a routine.
It is okay to take your mind off all the bad news. It is okay to not watch the news this week. AND it is okay to take some time for yourself and do something fun!
Here are some ideas for some fun things you can do to get your and your family’s mind off your troubles. Some are COVID friendly and others are more for after lockdown.
Fun Things To Do With The Family
Comedy Movie Night
Grab the popcorn, get a hilarious DVD, or find one on your favorite movie streaming service and just laugh for a change. Laughter is a known healer. According to Mayo Clinic, “Whether you’re guffawing at a sitcom on TV or quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that’s no joke.”
According to Help Guide, “With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.”
Game Night
Games are a lot of fun to play in groups, and there are many to choose from, including the good ole tried and true charades. Gather your family or a couple of friends (keep it at 2 or 3 max maintain pandemic safety) and have a ball.
Get The Kids To Navigate
This is a fun game and the kids love it.
Blindfold them and drive around for about 15 minutes. Then ask them to try and get you all home again. It is a great challenge for them.
Treasure Hunt
Find a nature spot near your home and go and hide some stuff out there. Create hints for those you invite to find the stuff and give a prize to the first person to gather everything on the list. This is a great activity that you can do with your kids, family members and friends. It also gets you outdoors where nature can help clear your mind and reduce stress.
According to Stress.org, “A study by Science Direct found that spending time outdoors can help improve mental health. According to their research, nature excursions can help alleviate feelings of time pressure and mental stress.”
Explore Your Home Town
Sometimes it is amazing what you will find on your own doorstep to visit. It is good to know what is available in your area and you may be pleasantly surprised at how many new things you will discover to do.
Cook A Meal
If you like to cook or bake, gather your recipes and cook or bake as a family. You could do a fancy meal and get out the fine china and have a formal dinner party with formal attire and all. This is a great experience for the kids to have and something they are not usually exposed to. If you are single, do the same by inviting a couple of friends over.
Disco Night
You likely can’t go to a nightclub right now, but you can create one at home.
If you can swing the cost buy a cheap disco ball on eBay, or just get some blue and red light bulbs for your living room. Create a playlist, or perhaps you have some old disco CD’s laying around (don’t worry we won’t tell anyone). Set up a bar and make drinks, turn out the lights, and let the music take you to the fun zone!
Have A Picnic
Pack a picnic basket and escape to the forest, beach, or even an allocated picnic area. There is nothing quite like the fresh air and visiting a new place to get your family revved up. Take some outdoor games to play like cricket, volleyball or even some tennis.
Don’t wallow in your troubles, distract your mind, and have some fun! It’s good your mind, body, and spirit! And what better way to bring your family closer together than with these fun things to do with the family.