How To Make Money On Your Website With Content

make money on your website

In this article, I am going to look at how to optimize your website so that you can make money on your website for a change.

This is especially if you have a certain product that you are promoting on your website, but you are not getting the sales that you feel you deserve.

Once you have a good flow of traffic, it’s important to start looking at elements on your website that lead to higher conversions. Specifically, ways in which we can get more people to go from your content to your “money page,” to click on your affiliate link, and joining you or buying something from you

How To Make Money On Your Website With Optimization

make money on your website

In order to make money on your website, you are going to need to optimize it in the following ways:

  • Create non-salesy helpful content.
  • Creating a high-converting money page.
  • Encourage people to visit your money page.
  • Get people to click on links to your money page.

Creating Helpful Content

When you start building out your website, you are not going to have a lot of traffic for a while, so this is the time to create a lot of helpful content for your readers relating to your niche.

Find out what your readers want and answer common questions for them. You will need to do some research in order to get this right, and there are many platforms that can help you to see what people are asking such as Quora, Yahoo Answers, and of course, your keyword tool will tell you what people are looking for online.

Your articles should be related to the question at hand and written in a way that helps your reader to understand their problem at hand. Use simple and conversational language, like you are talking to a friend.

The more helpful content that your website has to offer, the more traffic you are going to get because the search engines like to send traffic to websites that answer their readers’ questions.

This process builds trust, creditability and brings visitors back to your website. You also come across as an expert so you will make more sales when you do have recommendations. People trust people more who are credible and who have been helpful.

Create A Money Page

A money page is an article where you recommend a product in an honest and helpful way. This is the main page that you will link to from other pages on your website.

If you have a certain product that you are promoting and you would like to get a lot of sales of this product, you need to create an honest and nonbiased review on the product at hand.

Focus on what the product can do for readers and why they need it. Think of those questions that you have been answering relating to that product. This works better than listing lots of features and benefits.

You could also create an opt-in page as a money page and send them some helpful email content. But wait until you have more experience before you go this route, as it does cost money.

Once you have your money page, you can send visitors to this page through other content that you create on your website.

Remember that content converts and bells and whistles don’t!

Keep your site clean and simple. This makes it easier for your visitors to follow instead of getting confused and going elsewhere.

Make sure you place your money page in an easy-to-access place on your website. A good way to do this is to place a link to it within the menu on your site.

Encourage People To Visit Your Money Page

Once you have that money page, you need to gently encourage your visitors to visit the page. There are a few ways you can do this. Remember that nobody likes to be sold to, so this needs to be done in an encouraging way rather than being too salesy.

Here are some ways to get people to read your money page:

  • Create your own banner for your sidebar that links to your money page.
  • You could also put a photo of yourself and an introduction leading to your money page.
  • Use some space in your menu at the top of your website to link to your money page. You could have something that says what’s working for me, or how I make money online, or my favorite way to lose weight.
  • Try adding some text links on your pages. You can do this automatically on all your pages with a plugin called advanced ads, which I find very useful for all types of advertising. Relevant text ads will be far more effective than flashy banner ads.
  • Add relevant internal links to your articles that lead to your main money page.
  • Use your home page to encourage people to visit your money page to find out what you do.

Get People To Click On Your Links

make money on your website

One way of doing this is asking them in a nice way. For instance ‘visit this page to find out how you can make a sustainable long-term income for yourself.’

The flow of relevancy on your site is ultimately what converts. All your content and links should be highly relevant to what your visitor wants to find on your site.

Make sure that you make it clear for your visitor what they are getting. You need to change their lives for the better, not ramble on about all the benefits and features.

Keep your focus simple, as too many choices will overwhelm your visitors and they won’t end up taking any action. Keep it simple and tell them exactly what they need to do.

Avoid desperate-sounding links, like ‘click here now.’ this immediately gets people’s guard up and makes you come across as desperate and untrustworthy.

Instead use friendly inviting language while also telling people what you want them to do, for instance, ‘go here’ or ‘get started here’ or ‘get some free training here.’

If your content doesn’t really lend itself to linking to your money page, don’t force it, as the content is more important in the end.

Keep this in mind – without valuable content, your website is actually worth nothing. Google also likes to see people clicking to other pages on your site. So affiliate links on each page are not the way to go, otherwise, the search engines think that you are bringing people to your site to send them off again to an affiliate link.

If you have any more suggestions or comments to add on how to make money on your website with content marketing, please write to me below.



Michel Maling

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