Because of the COVID 19 pandemic, it has changed the way that we live our lives. One of the new normals is wearing a face mask all day when out in public, including when you are at work, school, exercising or doing essential activities.
If you work from home you are one of the lucky ones as you don’t have to worry about wearing your mask all day if you are on your own.
Because many people are thus forced to wear a mask from sunrise to sunset, which means breathing in your own air all day long. How healthy can that be?
Practical Tips If Wearing A Face Mask All Day
Masks Should Be Snug But Not Tight
Your mask must fit snugly above the nose and below the chin, but not so tightly that it becomes restrictive or uncomfortable or even painful to wear.
The snug fit helps to prevent any respiratory droplets from entering or escaping.
It it is too tight, it will restrict your breathing and cause general discomfort.
When trying out a new mask, wear it around the house first to make sure it fits well and can be adjusted as needed.
Doing this will prevent needing to fiddle with the mask too much when out in public.
Have A Few Options
Masks can make you sweat and block sufficient air circulation which contributes to moisture build-up.
Damp or wet masks are unpleasant and useless and should be changed as soon as possible.
Masks must be washed after every use, so have multiple masks to wear on rotation while you wash and dry the rest.
Also, keep an extra mask with you whenever you’re out and about.
Go For 100 Percent Cotton
Your mask should be made from breathable fabrics, so try to go for 100 percent cotton, as cotton provides a better ventilation and traps less moisture that builds up through breathing and sweating.
Avoid any masks that are water-resistant material as they trap moisture and cause the opposite effect.
Check Your Skin Routine
If you have dry skin, wearing a good moisturizer before putting on your mask will help to prevent skin irritation.
Also, avoid using liquid foundation while wearing a mask as it can clog pores and cause potential skin breakouts.
Foundation can also rub off the mask and prevent proper air filtration making it even harder for you to breathe.
If you have a sensitive skin, that’s prone to irritation, make sure to wash your face before and after wearing your mask.
Manage The Fog
If you find that wearing a face mask all day fogs up your glasses it can be most irritation, especially if you need to read or you operate heavy machinery.
There are things you can do to manage the fog, and this starts with a mask that fits securely over the nose, while being a bit loser at the bottom.
This will help to prevent warm air from escaping up to your glasses.
Another common hack is to wash your lenses with soapy water or shaving cream before use, allowing them to air dry or gently wiping them with a soft cloth. Soap leaves behind a thin film that acts as a fog barrier.
It also helps to put the glasses over the top of the mask as this lets less air through onto the glasses.
Please comment below if you have any other tips for wearing a face mask all day.