Staying organized is the key to your success, so that is why I have decided to include this article on how to stay on top of things so that you can be in control of your own success.
Believe it or not, organized people aren’t born that way, they have simply trained themselves by cultivating healthy habits that help them to stay organized and focused on the important things.
So even if you think you are the most disorganized person in the world, you too can train yourself to be organized, as long as you are willing to learn and keep practicing those learned good habits.
How To Stay On Top Of Things For Entrepreneurs
Work Space
To organize means to arrange systematically in an orderly structured functional hole. Staying organized is the key to success for any internet marketer, entrepreneur or leader. In fact, everyone should aim to try and be more organized in their lives. Being unorganized leads to time wastage and we then wonder why we are not getting anything or enough done.
If you work for yourself, it is essential that you have an office or a space in your home designated for all your work. In order to stay on top of things if you work from home you will need to have these basics:
- desk
- filing cabinet
- paper organizers (in and outbox)
- computer
- printer (optional)
- diary
- Simpleology to help you organize your time better
These are essentials to enable you to stay organized and on top of things. Here is some more information on setting up a home office.
Once you have set up your little space, you need to dedicate specific areas for specific functions.
For example have a file for your finances, another for your marketing materials, and another for your accounts and so on. You may also need to subcategorize for example a file with your financial portfolio divided into different company’s that various parts of your portfolio belong to.
When organizing your filing, do what will work best for you to enable you to locate what you need quickly and efficiently, so that you don’t waste precious time searching for lost or misplaced documents, or even worse redoing work that you have already done.
Have an in and outbox for tasks pending and tasks completed. Keep all your receipts in a basket on your desk, and try and make time to keep your books up to date at least once a week, or it could quickly turn into a whole days work.
Same goes for your desktop on your computer. This can quickly become a nightmare. Delete things you no longer need and try and group the same types of files together so you can spot them easier. Highlight files you use often so that you can see them easier. It wastes a lot of time searching for files on your computer each time you want to open them, and time adds up over time.
Organize Your Time Better
Once you have your office set up it is time to organize your time more efficiently.
You will need a nice big diary for this one. Start by making to-do lists and then prioritizing your lists. Decide what things on your list you would like to achieve by month-end and then break up the tasks into weekly portions that you can do.
Then break up your week further into daily activities that will enable you to reach your goals in small but achievable steps.
Be specific about how much time to spend on each task, and spend your time wisely. Make sure that you plan your leisure time in much the same way, or you will find yourself working 24/7.
I use Simpleology for this task as it helps me plan my time so much better.
If you feel overwhelmed, it just means that you aren’t organized enough. Make sure that you reserve a couple of minutes daily to plan and organize your life.
So How Does An Organized Person Do It?
Here are some tips from the super organized…
They Write Things Down
Do you think that some people remember birthdays magically each year? They don’t, they actually write things down.
Write down everything: shopping lists for groceries, holiday gifts, home decor, birthdays and anniversaries, meetings, etc.
If you want to remember someone’s name, simply write it down at the first opportunity you get, obviously without them seeing you do this.
They Meet Their Deadlines
Organized people never waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand-in-hand with staying productive. They make and keep schedules for the day and week. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they and stick to them!
They also live an uncluttered lifestyle. Keeping things organized in your workspace helps keep you more productive. Everything must have a home and not just be left lying around.
Try writing down things that you want to achieve this year or even in your lifetime. Then work on achieving those things by working on steps towards those goals on a daily basis.
They Never Procrastinate
The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done.
If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then put in the effort to get things done as soon as possible. This will lift the weight off of you from doing it later.
As an experiment, think of one thing that you should organize in your life. Write it down. Then write down when you can do it and what you need to get it done. If you can get it done right now, then go do it!
If you have been wanting to start your own business for a long time, but never do anything about it, then now is the time to start moving towards getting your business started.
They Declutter Often
Remember that things do not stay organized on their own. You need to regularly sort, shuffle and throw out. Remember to schedule some time on your schedule to do just this.
Having more stuff means more clutter. People who live organized lives only keep what they need and what they really really want. Having fewer things also means that you enjoy those things more and feel better about using everything you own, rather than letting half of what you own collect dust.
So the rule of thumb is to get rid of stuff that you are not using on a regular basis.
Try this as an experiment. Write down the number of things you think you actually need. Then, write a list of all the things that you own. If the number of things you actually own exceeds need list, then it’s time to organize and declutter.
Learn To Delegate
It is pointless and futile to try and do everything yourself. Go through your to-do list and see if there is anything there that somebody else can do for you. You could even get a virtual assistant to help you with tasks such as writing reviews for your blog or even helping you with your books or your advertising online.
All internet marketers will feel overwhelmed at some stage or another, and especially when they first start up with their chosen online business. Just make sure that you know how to stay on top of things, stay organized, plan your day accordingly and you can’t go wrong.

Interesting article and surely , worth reading. Staying on top of things and maintaining the situation irrespective is an act that very few people have mastered and I’m glad I came across this post. The tips you shared are spot on and I think the area I have erred a lot is by not delegating works. Also, I don’t write things down which has been the major reason I end up forgetting most ideas I have inspirations for. I have bookmarked this post and I will surely revisit it consistently to ensure I’m more organized with a better work ethics.
Thanks for your thoughts, Roland. It definitely helps one to feel more control of one’s life if one stays organized. It is a must to write lists and also dreams and thoughts down, or they simply get forgotten in the business of life.
Hi Michel,
Thanks for a very interesting post. I could easily identify with it because I practice everything you listed although I do admit not always effectively and efficiently. This is because procrastination regularly becomes a problem for me.
However, a few months ago now, I had a breakthrough with my procrastination dilemma…..I sat down and wrote out a weekly agenda of the routine things I do on a daily basis and allocated time periods for completing each task. Unfortunately, I still get off track at times but I’m finding if I maintain a positive attitude I can get back on track fairly quickly.
I do agree with you that organisation is vital for success, not only in business but also for pursuing fulfilling leisure activities. I also find your post to be a very healthy reminder of the necessity of living an uncluttered lifestyle and I’ve book marked it for future reference. I believe you post is big encouragement for everyone who wants to live a productive and effective lifestyle.
Thank you for your very worthwhile effort.
All the best
Thanks for stopping by Chris, and I agree it is not always possible to stick to the schedule 100 percent, but it is way easier to stay on track if you have a schedule in the first place.
The best thing is not to lose heart and carry on where you left off as soon as you can.