Here are some tips on how to enjoy your evening, no matter what type of day you have had. This is the third part of our energize series. If you haven’t seen them yet, you can check out part one here and part two here.
When you get home from a long day at work or even running errands, it is important to make a clean break between your workday stresses and the evening ahead. This applies especially to entrepreneurs, as these types of people don’t seem to know when it is time to finish work and relax.
Here are some great ways to let go and enjoy your evening.
How To Enjoy Your Evening And Relax!
Dress Down
Change into some comfortable clothing as soon as you get home. The ritual of putting away your suit or work clothes and getting into some comfortable sweat pants is a great way to start unwinding.
Play Around
To help banish end of the day fatigue and boost your energy, play a quick game of catch with your kids before the sunlight fades, or take a walk with your dog. No matter how long you spend playing, you will quickly reap the benefits.
Learn From Your Kids
Let your children share some of their experiences from the day with you. Watch for those special moments of exuberance or humor and exclamations of wonder and squeals of laughter. You will not be able to help yourself but you will pick up on some of their energy.
Get Moving After Your Meal
What you do in the 15 to 30 minutes after eating your evening meal sends powerful signals to your metabolism.
You set the stage for more vigor throughout the evening hours along with a night of deep sleep if you stay active after your meal. Now is the perfect time for some light activity such as a brisk walk around the neighborhood.
Relate To One Another Eye To Eye
When talking to a loved one and chatting about your day, be sure to make genuine eye contact whenever possible. This helps to connect the two of you and ensures that each person feels visible and valued.
Spend time with your best friend to really boost your energy or get a frisky dog to help you. After a brisk walk together you will have a second wind with plenty of energy to get things done around the house. Even if the weather is bad you can still play with your dog in the house until some of her energy rubs off on you.
Keep Yourself Busy
If you feel exhausted when you get home in the evenings, find something to do. Keep moving and the exhaustion will pass and you will be okay for the rest of the night. Taking a nap will leave you feeling sluggish and will wreck your sleep for the night.
Learn To Live With Some Dirt
Instead of spending all your free time cleaning your house, tell yourself that it doesn’t have to be spotless. In fact, it is quite likely that your family and friends would never even notice it if you didn’t dust behind the bookcase this week.
Instead of cleaning, try some simple pleasures to relax and renew your energy. These could include:
- painting
- playing a musical instrument
- read a novel
- play cards
- tackle a crossword puzzle
- sit outdoors and sip some tea
- play a board game with the family
- study the stars
- write down your thoughts and dreams in a journal
- watch a sunset from beginning to end
- swing in your hammock
- build a website around something you are passionate about
- throw a frisbee
Please feel free to comment below if you have some other ideas to help my readers to enjoy their evening.

I really enjoyed reading your post about how to enjoy your evening – Energise Part 3. Because I had missed your earlier posts, I did a quick run through those, too. Some great advice on how to keep your energy levels up in the evening, thanks. For many people, the only thing they do is sit in front of the TV and vegetate. I liked all your suggestions – especially Learn to live with some dirt! I am often out at night acting or directing in community theatre, so energy is important for me. Thanks for sharing this.
Right On!
I have been working from home for a couple of years and you said it right – I can’t tell the difference between the “working hours” and leisure time.
I have done a lot of research about how to enjoy my evening, or even weekends. I don’t have kids yet, so that part doesn’t count.
But I really like the idea of “live with some dirt”.
that’s actually pretty good and I am gonna apply it (to some extent only, of course) 🙂
Thanks a lot
I like your point of view on how to enjoy your evening. I wish I own a hammock. So, I can swing to relax after long hours of work. Unfortunately, watching a sunset here in my country is not possible because all I can see is just tall buildings. But, that’s a really great idea. I should try it someday. Thank you for sharing this article!