Why work as Part of An AIOP Team?
Of course, it is not a requirement to work in an AIOP Team but think about this. The matrix in AIOP is designed to help each other.
If you want to find out more about AIOP the company, click here to read more.
To Find out more about joining the team, keep reading this post.
Your upline promotes for you. You help your downlines and or yourself.
Why You Should Promote For Your Downline In AIOP?
It makes a lot of sense to promote for your downline.
The first paid member which my downline gets, will insure that my downline can pay his or her monthly subscription. While I keep promoting my downline, his or her second paid referral will be passed up to me. And so on and so on.
The same will happen if you help your downlines the same way I do. This is an absolute win win situation. But as I said if you want to promote for yourself only without being a teamplayer that’s just fine. You will need to communicate with your sponsor and let them know if you want to be part of the team build or not. Communication is the key to effective team work.
Is there a weekly hit count requirement to be involved in the AIOP Team?
No we do not require you to send a set amount of traffic to your AIOP team or your affiliate link. Work at your own pace.
Once you have decided to get started with AIOP and have upgraded your account. Send your details to your sponsor. He or she will either set up your team build splash or provide you with the links to allow you to do this yourself.
Until you have your first referral you will want to promote your own personal page. Of course your sponsor will also be working to help you to get your first referral in AIOP. Once you get your first downline member you will want to switch and begin to advertise your downline members page. Like I said above All In One Profits compensation plan is designed so that this type of promotion is a win win situation for you and your downline.
The plan is simple and it works. No waiting for weeks or months to get to “the hot seat” in a team that may have 100’s of people waiting in line.
Why Do Teams Sometimes Fail?
First of all not everywhere where it says there is a Team, there actually is a team. Some marketers only pretend to be a leader, putting a bunch of pictures on their splash pages and say that’s their team, you end up alone – trust me!
Secondly some programs do offer a teamlink for upgraded members that is great, but those rotators have up to 100’s peoples links in rotation, you can just not expect that you will get your next paid referral very soon you are among hundreds.
Some Teams simply fail just because they work for a program with a compensation plan which simply does not favor any team activities.
Have you been promised that a team will get you 6 paid referrals or more into your downline? Yeah, I was fooled too, of course I was waiting for months and did not get a referral. So I quit, shouldn’t have joined in the first place. Second thing to consider is, how much would you earn with those 6 members? With AIOP you would be earning $60 a month. Popular programs such as GDI for example, you would only be earning $6 a month! Your membership fee is not even covered with that amount.
Based on that experience I was looking for a program which has the ideal compensation plan and favors teamwork, and decided on “The Real Team”. As you may notice, I do not ask you to join under my links, but instead I give you a link to a member of my downline. As long as my downlines earn, I will too. Every second paid member which they get, will be passed up to me.
Why We Promote Downwards
Here is what happens when I promote for myself only. I will pass up every second paid member to my upline. My downlines may not yet be very strong in terms of marketing and may surrender, that means, they stop subscribing. When I promote for my direct downline, they will get a paid referral, that keeps them happy, and upgraded. Then they promote for their downlines, making them happy and spread the word to do just the same. So when I get them a second paid member, this one will be passed up to me. Now everyone is happy.
Do you get the picture? While helping our downlines prosper we all prosper.
Now let’s get you the first paid referral and then you can start helping him or her! After you joined, contact your upline and introduce yourself so they can get you started in the right direction.
**Once you join our team you must get in contact with your sponsor and let them know you want to be added to their team build.
Please keep in mind “Your sponsor will be working With You Not For You.
Your sponsor will not start promoting for you unless you comunicate with them.
This is only a safeguard. Some people simply join All In One Profits because they want the marketing tools offered at such a great price. That’s fine. We just don’t want new members joining under a sponsor who will not help promote for them. Like I said this is just a safety net for new members who want to be a part of the team build.
This is a real business that does take work and effort to maintain. You will not become successful overnight, and it may even take you a couple of weeks to get your first referral, but just keep promoting your AIOP Team Link every day and you will be successful.
Click Here to join under a member of my downline now.
Have questions not answered here? Contact me at michelmaling@yahoo.com. I am happy to help you make a positive decision and get started with our AIOP Team today.
Wishing you much success.

Awesome post!. Win win situation for everyone if we work with the team. After reading your post i am interested to join AIOP under your sponsor. Will you help me ?
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for stopping by. This is a great company if you are a newbie at marketing and you can learn a lot. If you click on the link on the post you can join under the excellent sponsor that I had.
I no longer am a member of AIOP simply because I decided to devote all my attention to the websites that I have created, like this one, through Wealthy Affiliate, and this leaves me very little time to promote other platforms, no matter how good they may be.