Do you want to know how to stop trying to be perfect, or how to stop trying to be like somebody else?
Remember this:
There is nobody else like you in the world. So stop searching for faults and start celebrating your uniqueness.
How To Stop Trying To Be Perfect
As online entrepreneurs, we tend to have the personality trait of trying to be perfect all the time, and unfortunately, this is not the best trait to have if you are working for yourself. If you need to wait for that article to be perfect before you publish it on your blog, you may never end up publishing it and thus never get anything constructive done.
As a blogger, I have learned to publish as much as I can, and I know not everything is going to be perfect, but I also know that I can go back and tweak it and make it better over time and then republish it. Getting it out there is the most important thing.
Don’t get me wrong, you don’t want to publish rubbish, but if you have something good that still needs something extra, don’t wait to get it out there. Put it out there so that it can start gaining traction and in time you can make it better.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
You are unique. There is no one else like you in the entire universe. In honor of your unique self, it is good to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are. One way to do this is to not compare yourself with other people.
It is human nature to want to see how we measure up in comparison to others, especially if we think they are better than us or have more of something that we want. But it is not a good use of our time to compare ourselves with others because there is no one like us and this makes us incomparable.
It is sometimes easier to feel like we are deficient in comparison to other people rather than taking responsibility for our own progress.
It takes more courage to be self-referential and look at ourselves to see whether we are measuring up to our standards or meeting our full potential. Each of us has very special gifts, and we are here for very specific reasons. We each have a life purpose to fulfill and with this comes the lessons that we must learn and the circumstances that we must go through in order to evolve as spiritual beings.
To compare our lives to other people’s lives when we have no idea of what they are here to learn or fulfill doesn’t benefit anyone — especially you.
Instead, if we can accept ourselves, appreciate the special talents and qualities that we alone possess, and realize that each of us is going through certain kinds of experiences for a reason, we are less likely to focus so much on what other people have or are doing.
Realizing and valuing our uniqueness enables us to bring out the best in ourselves so we can get on with living, rather than preoccupying ourselves with meaningless comparisons. By no longer comparing yourself to others, you will see how much you have and how special you are.
So that my friends is how to stop trying to be perfect and just learn to be well, you.

In this new age of the social media monster, it really is hard to not compare ourselves. Most people with a smart phone will compare themselves at least 10 times throughout the day. It can be from physical looks to comparing artificial lives. But as you stated, embracing our uniqueness is the power to cut through all of the tendency to compare and influence of the illusion. And guess, what , I have seen people embrace their uniqueness and people simply steal or catfish that person. It does go to show how powerful our uniqueness is …because if someone is willing to try to steal who you really are then it is both a compliment and a grave violation of a human right. Being unique and patient with ourselves is gold in this day and age. There are so many fake people out there.
Well said Will!
I agree that writing that perfect blog or article can slow down your progress if you try for perfection. A person should give the best and most accurate information possible. When writing your blog or article, if you try to produce one that has no flaws, you will never publish it. You will never be satisfied with what you have written.
Try to write an article that in not only accurate, informative, and interesting but acknowledges there may be areas where some improvement can be made. Don’t allow yourself to be trapped in that ongoing self-deception that it needs more work. Write with confidence, authority, and consistency, you will be happier and your articles will reflect that attitude.
I couldn’t have said it better Jerry!
For me, it is hard to stop trying to be perfect, it is just my perfectionistic side and a part of my character. This is a problem since highschool and when I was a kid, I always wanted to be the best of the class. This now has the consequence that in my business, I put way too much time into writing a single blog post or postin it on social media, it always needs to be funny or intriguing, I really need to learn how to stop that! Thanks for the insight.
You definitely need to give yourself more freedom to be creative Lizzy and try not to worry about the smaller details, as this will only slow down your progress.
I like the word used, “meaningless comparison”.
It’s my experience that the more I compare myself to others, the more unhappiness I experience. So, to become a happy entrepreneur, one must compare himself to only one person but himself.
It is okay to set goals and force yourself to grow because it is part of human growth and development. Just do not compare your growth to the growth of others, as it can be a sure way to feel bad and eventually fail in life. And if this fundamental thing is not dealt with properly, chances are the entrepreneur won’t fare good in life as well. For it is true, private victory precedes public victory.
You are right Gomer, as we will always tend to find someone who is doing something better than we are, and this is a serious knock to our self-confidence. I also recommend only comparing yourself to yourself a year ago. If you have had growth, then you can consider yourself a success.