Wow, the world we live in at the moment is simply amazing. In today’s amazing times women have a wonderful gift of choice. Women can choose to focus on what they appreciate and love, while letting go of things that are making them stressed and unhappy or things that they feel they can’t do.
More and more women are also working for themselves online than ever before.
Regardless of where you are right now in your professional or your personal life, you are living in an incredible world of opportunity and possibility. In fact, it is a world rich with abundance, and it is up to you to grab at those wonderful chances with both hands open wide.
When my Mom was growing up, she was told that she had to choose whether she wanted to be a teacher, a nurse or a secretary. That was it. Oh yes, you could also get married and become a housewife.
Nowadays, in these amazing times, this limited choice would seem ludicrous, as there is so much more available to women, and so much more that women can and should do with their careers and their lives.
If a woman wants to become a farmer, she can, and if she wants to head up a large corporation, she can do that too. The choices that we have now as opposed to what our grandmothers had are like comparing chalk to cheese.
We also have a wonderful thing called free will. The decisions that we make now will determine our futures and our present reality. We have the opportunity to improve and grow, and it is up to us to do just that. So instead of complaining about your dead-end job or your terrible boss, try to focus on what is good in your life and believe it or not, it is possible to turn the bad around into something good.
Start by approaching each new day as a challenge and enjoy each day to the fullest. Do something each day that you love. If things don’t go your way all the time, try to stay positive, as with each challenge that we face there is definitely a positive lesson to be learned.
Remember without setbacks and failure, it is impossible to achieve greatness. Only you can decide for yourself whether you let your challenges get you down or you use them in a positive manner to learn something from the experience.
In any job, even if you love what you do, there are ups and downs, and it is up to you how you handle the roller coaster ride of life. Never focus on fear, as this will stilt your development and halt your future success, as fear will prevent you from trying anything new and exciting.
Remember that a life without risks in these amazing times is a life not worth living.

Great article, and timely. My daughter graduated from college two years ago and just got married. She loves her work but is thinking of starting a family and would love to be home with her kids – but still work. Working from home – online, is a wonderful way to check both boxes.
Your post will inspire many to think of different ways to pursue their passion and take control of their lives. You are right, women can do anything – run a business, start a business and inspire others.
Thanks for the post and keep grinding!
I am not a woman but I am with you on this 💯% that women have more freedom choices and the liberty to do all that they want without being looked at as if she killed someone.
Women should take this opportunity to build themselves their families and their passion for doing what they love and they will have very fulfilling lives.
You are right Charles, and this goes for men too.
Thanks for sharing this post, it is true that most times we are left with options from our parents on what we should become, this post will be an inspiration to many who are obligated to certain things in life, everyone needs free will to be satisfied with their various lives this way we don’t feel like prisoners to ourselves.
You are right Seun, and thankfully the choices nowadays are endless. You can be anything you want in life.
Thank you for this amazing post.
I can’t agree more with you that we live in a world of abundant opportunities for women unlike in ages past, there are so many things out there that women can venture into.
I will implore all those wonderful women out there to make a choice of their own that will make them happy.
The choices are endless yes Clement, and we can be anything we want to in this modern world we live in.